Lewisburg Area School District School Board
Lewisburg Area School District About the District
Lewisburg Area High School Donald H Eichhorn Middle School Linntown Intermediate School Kelly Elementary School About the District
School Board
District Policy
Business Office
Food Service
  Role of the School Board
  • The school board sets policies within the framework of the state school code
  • The board is the legislative branch of the school district
  • The school board defines the policies that are carried out by the school district staff under the direction of the superintendent
  • All decisions must meet state laws and regulations
  • The board can:
    • adopt texts
    • authorize curricula
    • purchase, sell, or condemn land
    • maintain school property
    • create or increase indebtedness within strict state guidelines
    • levy taxes
    • adopt an annual budget
    • appoint and dismiss personnel
  • The board can build and/or remodel schools and change academic requirements only with the approval of the Pennsylvania Department of Education

Lewisburg Area School District
Lewisburg Area High School | Donald H Eichhorn Middle School | Linntown Intermediate | Kelly Elementary
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©2004 Lewisburg Area School District
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