Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Evaluation of Support Personnel

The board believes that the evaluation of support employees should promote individual growth, improve the district's educational programs and overall operation and assure attainment of individual and district goals. Furthermore, evaluation of support employees shall communicate expectations, positive reinforcement, and constructive criticism. The evaluation process shall be conducted in an objective and straight-forward manner.
The board directs that there shall be a plan for the annual evaluation of each support employee.
These evaluations shall be conducted by the support employee's immediate supervisor or district level supervisor or both. New employees shall be evaluated prior to the end of their probationary period of ninety (90) days, at the end of the fiscal year, and after one (1) year of employment, and each year thereafter. Any employee who receives an unsatisfactory rating shall be evaluated at the end of each quarter during the next twelve (12) month period. An employee receiving a provisional rating will be re-evaluated within a three (3) week period following such a rating. The results of all evaluations can be used for all lawful purposes.
All formal observations of each support employee for evaluation purposes shall be followed within one (1) work week by a personal conference between the evaluator and the support employee being evaluated. Within one (1) work day after the conference, the support employee who has been evaluated shall be sent a copy of his/her evaluation.
All monitoring or observation of a support employee's work performance for evaluation purposes shall be conducted with the full knowledge of the employee. Mechanical and/or electronic devices can be used for a support employee's evaluation only if written permission first has been obtained from the employee being evaluated.
To the degree a support employee's immediate or district level supervisor's schedule permits, observation of the employee, for purposes of evaluation, shall not be made on the day that the employee returns from an absence due to personal illness or death in his/her family.