Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Citizen Advisory Committees to the Board

Citizen advisory committees are sometimes useful in keeping the Board and administration informed with regard to community opinion and in representing the community in the study of specific school problems.
In creating a new advisory committee to the Board, the Board shall define the committee assignment and shall:
appoint members who are interested in the committee's function;
approve staff members and/or students recommended by the Superintendent;
approve citizens recommended by the Superintendent; and
appoint a chairperson and vice-chairperson.
In charging a new advisory committee, the Board shall set a date for a preliminary and final report.
Recommendations of all advisory committees shall not reduce the responsibility of the Board, which shall be free to accept or reject the recommendations as it sees fit. Meetings of an advisory committee are subject to the open meeting requirements as established by Act 84 of 1986.