Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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School Visitors

The Board welcomes and encourages parents, other adult residents of the community, and interested educators to visit the district's schools. To insure order in the schools and to protect the students and staff, the Board directs the Superintendent to develop guidelines governing school visitors.
1. The Superintendent has authority to prohibit the entry of any person to any school building.
2. A school principal has authority to prohibit the entry of any person to his/her school building.
3. Persons wishing to visit a school shall make arrangements in advance with the school office of the building to be visited.
4. Upon arrival at the school, the visitor shall show identification, register at the office, receive instructions for his/her visit, and obtain a visitor's pass.
5. The visitor shall conspicuously display the visitor's pass at all times.
6. Staff members shall be expected to insure that a visitor has been registered at the school office and has received authorization to be present for the purpose of conducting business.
7. No visitor shall confer with a student in school without the approval of the principal.
8. Should an emergency require that a student be called to the school office to meet a visitor, the principal shall be present during the meeting.