Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Relations with Parents

The Board believes that a student's education is a joint responsibility shared with the student's parents. To insure that the best interests of all students are served, a strong program of communications between home and school shall be maintained.
The Board believes that it is the parents who have the ultimate responsibility for their children's in-school behavior, including the behavior of studentswho have reached the legal age of majority, but are still for all practical purposes, under parental authority. During school hours, the Board through its designated administrators acts in loco parentis or in place of the parents.
The Board directs that the following activities be implemented to encourage parent-school cooperation:
parent-teacher conferences to permit two-way communication between home and school.
open houses in district schools to provide parents with the opportunity to see the school facilities, meet the faculty, and sample the programs on a first-hand basis. Each school in the district shall hold an open house at least annually.
meetings of parents and staff members to explain and discuss matters of general interest with regard to student-school, student-home, or studenthome-school relationships.
meetings of staff members and groups of parents of those problems.
special events of a cultural, ethnic, or topical nature which are initiated by parent groups, which involve the cooperative effort of students and parents, and which are of general interest to the schools or community.
For the benefit of all students, the Board believes that parents have a responsibility to:
support the schools in requiring that each child observe all school rules and regulations, and accept some responsibility for their child's willful in-school behavior;
send each child to school with proper attention to his/her health, personal cleanliness and dress;
maintain an active interest in each child's dailywork and make it possible for each child to complete assigned homework by providing a quiet place and suitable conditions for study;
read all communications from the schools, and sign and return them promptly when asked;
cooperate with the schools in attending conferences for the exchange of information on the child's school progress; and
participate in in-school activities and special functions.