Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Community Relations

The Board of Education feels it imperative that communication be maintained in both directions between the public schools of the district and such local institutions, organizations and groups as industry, business, labor, charity and other special interests, which make up the structure of the community.
The Board has authority over the pupils in its care, but shares that authority to a limited extent through the cooperative training programs that take certain pupils into the community during part of their educational career. To make those experiences meaningful, the Board feels cooperation is essential with the community.
The Board authorizes the establishment of a community liaison committee of staff members and community representatives to identify community resources, services and needs.
Any programs which develop from community cooperative efforts require Board approval prior to implementation if given for credit.
In reviewing these matters, the administration shall keep in mind that the schools
shall maintain an impartiality among all constituents of the community who promote worthy causes;
shall not be used to promote private or commercial interests;
shall not be used for direct sales promotion of goods or services; and
shall not assign pupils to outside tasks which do not benefit the pupil primarily.