Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Relations with Special Interest Groups
The Board is aware that private enterprises often produces items and literature and sponsor activities which can be of education value to our students. These items or sponsorship are frequently supplied to the school district at little or no cost.

Nonschool organizations, groups or individuals - those entities that are not part of the school program, school-sponsored activities, or organized pursuant to the Pennsylvania School Code or Board policy. When employees or Board members act on behalf of a nonschool organization or group, or on their own behalf, this policy applies to them. Students are governed by a separate and distinct Board policy regarding student expression and distribution and posting of materials.

Nonschool materials - any printed or written materials prepared by nonschool organizations, groups or individuals for posting or general distribution which are not prepared as a part of the curricular or approved extracurricular programs of the district.

Posting – will be limited to publicly displaying nonschool written materials on public bulletin boards or a designated space on the district website.

Prohibited activities and materials - activities and materials which:

1. Are libelous, defamatory, obscene, lewd, vulgar, or profane.

2. Violate federal, state or local laws.

3. Violate Board policy or district administrative regulations.

4. Advocate the use or advertise the availability of any substance or material that may reasonably be believed to constitute a direct and substantial danger to the health or welfare of students, such as tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs.

5. Incite violence.

6. Advocate use of force or urge violation of federal, state or municipal law, Board policy or district administrative regulations.

7. Interfere with or advocate interference with the rights of any individual or the orderly operation of the schools and their programs.

The Board is not interested in furthering or advancing the cause of any company or institution. However, if the Superintendent is of the opinion that certain advertisements, items and literature, produced or sponsored by private enterprise, will benefit our students in an education manner, such items, literature and activities may be displayed on public bulletin boards or on a designated space on the district website.

Guidelines for Public Announcements

1. Upon the approval of the Superintendent or his/her designee, an announcement of a non-school service, event, or activity may be offered for consideration to the students and staff.

2. Approved public announcements will consist of posters (not to exceed dimensions of number approved by the building principal) to be placed on the public bulletin board(s) of each school and/or placed on a page designated for such announcements on the district website.

3. All public announcements to be posted within the schools or on the district website must be approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee, and the Superintendent’s and such approval shall be given unless the Superintendent and his/her designee determines that the posting contains prohibited activities or materials.

4. There will be no direct distribution of flyers, brochures, and other handouts to students.

5. No activities that involve sales or solicitation by or to students will be approved.


School Code – 24 P.S. Sec. 775

Board Policy – 216, 707