Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Relations with Intermediate Unit

The Board desires to maintain open lines of communication with Intermediate Unit number 16.
Each district has an opportunity to actively participate in the service programs offered by the Inter mediate Unit.
In order to maintain a constructive relationship with the Intermediate Unit, the Board member elected by the Board shall be the official liaison between the district and I.U. number 16.
The duties of this liaison representative are to ensure that the Board of School Directors receives the necessary information and data that can lead to sound and valid judgments regarding decisions which involve participation by the district in the various programs offered by the Intermediate Unit.
This liaison representative shall also arrange to ensure that the Board receives adequate information to give guidance to the programs and services of the Intermediate Unit.
The Board will annually review the programs of the district that involve intermediate unit services and make whatever determinations such a review shall suggest. This review will normally take place prior to the district's approval of the proposed I.U. budget.