Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Homebound Instruction

The administration is authorized to provide homebound instruction for students who cannot attend regu lar classes due to illness or disability as attested by a physician, and requested by the parent(s) or guardian(s) and provided State reimbursement is anticipated for the instruction.
Application for individual instruction shall certify the nature of the illness or disability and must be approved by the principal.
The program of individual instruction given each student shall be in accordance with the standards established by the Secretary of Education.
Persons certified under state requirements shall conduct the instruction at a rate of pay specified by the current Collective Bargaining Agreement. The number of hours per week shall not exceed five (5) hours without prior approval of the district's Superintendent of Schools.
The Board reserves the right to withhold individual instruction when the instructor's presence in the place of a student's confinement presents a hazard to the health of the teacher or if a parent or other adult in authority is not at home with the student during the hours of instruction.