Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Controversial Issues

The Board of School Directors believes that students should be free to pursue a broad, comprehensive educational program and should be exposed to instructional materials, teaching techniques and strategies that will equip the students to make intelligent, well-informed decisions. The Board further believes that the freedom of teachers to teach and that of the students to learn is basic to our democratic society and involves both the right and the responsibility of the teachers and the students to use the highest intellectual standards in studying, investigating, presenting, interpreting and discussing facts and ideas relevant to the controversial issues being examined by the faculty and students.
The Board further believes that parents and citizens of the School District should be provided with a means by which to challenge the inclusion of controversial issues in the school curriculum and/or the teaching techniques employed by the staff should they be so disposed. The Board directs the Superintendent of Schools to provide for such a means in the administrative regulations and guidelines for the execution of this policy.
In keeping with these aforementioned beliefs, theBoard of School Directors adopts this policy, and directs the administration and faculty to adhere to it in their teaching of controversial issues within the schools of the School District.