Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Admission of Transfer Students

The Board shall enroll school age students eligible to attend district schools, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, Board policy and administrative regulations.

School age shall be defined as the period from the earliest admission age for the district's kindergarten program until graduation from high school or the end of the school term in which a student reaches the age of twenty-one (21) years, whichever occurs first.

District of residence shall be defined as the school district in which a student's parents/guardians reside.

School age resident students and eligible nonresident students shall be entitled to attend district schools.

The district shall administer a home language survey to all students enrolling in district schools for the first time.

The district shall normally enroll a school age, eligible student the next business day, but no later than five (5) business days after application.

The district shall not inquire about the immigration status of a student as part of the enrollment process.

The Board directs that before a transferring student can be admitted to a District school, the student's parents/guardian shall provide to the Superintendent or his/her designee the following:

A. Proof of residency
In compliance with the School Code, students must attend school in the district where they reside. Based upon this legal requirement, it is necessary to request proof of residency of in-coming students. Proof of residency may be:

1. An executed rental agreement, purchase agreement, or construction agreement for a residential dwelling within the District's boundaries.

2. Driver's license.

3. Utility bill.

4. Anything substantiating present address.

B. Immunization record
No child can attend school in Pennsylvania without a complete health record which includes the immunization record. An in-coming student must provide a copy of his/her immunization record before s/he can enter school. If an immunization record is lost or incomplete, it is the parent's responsibility to make contact with the student's physician to obtain the necessary information.

C. Academic record
An academic record of the student's last placement is necessary in order for proper grade and educational placement. Parents must be asked if the student was in special education. If so, a copy of his/her last IEP should be available. If no records are available, a phone call to the last school district will verify placement.

D. Statement of previous Act 26 offenses
Upon registration and prior to admission to this District's schools, the parent (guardian or person having control or charge) of a student shall provide a sworn statement stating whether the student was previously suspended or expelled from any public or private school in any state for an offense involving weapons, alcohol or drugs; for the willful infliction of injury to another person; or for any act of violence committed on school property. This sworn statement shall be maintained as part of the student's disciplinary record.

Parents (guardian or person having control or charge of a student) who intentionally submit a false statement shall be subject to conviction of a misdemeanor of the third degree.

When a student transfers to this District, a certified copy (certified by the sending principal or his/her designee) of the student's disciplinary record shall be obtained from the school from which the student is transferring. While it is the responsibility of our District to request the disciplinary record from the sending school, the sending school has ten (10) days from the receipt of the request to supply the certified copy of the student's disciplinary record. School districts are not required to obtain parental authorization for the release of a student's disciplinary record.

E. Statement of gratuitous keep
Residents of the school district who have assumed an obligation of support for a student as provided in Section 13-1302 of the Public School Code or who are sponsoring an exchange student shall file with the Board, through the Superintendent's office, a notarized statement, on a form provided by the School District, that they are supporting the student as if s/he were their own, without personal compensation or gain, and that they will assume all personal obligations, required for school attendance within the District, for the student.


School Code – 24 P.S. Sec. 1301, 1302

State Board of Education Regulations – 22 PA Code Sec. 11.11, 11.12, 11.41, 12.1

Board Policy – 138