Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Eligibility of Nonresident Students


1. Authority
SC 501, 502, 503, 1301

The Board operates the District's schools for the benefit of students who are between age six (6) (on or before September 1st of the current school year) and graduation or age twenty-one (21) (whichever comes first) and who reside within the District. However, the Board may permit nonresident students to attend school in the District as provided by law upon such terms as it may determine. The Board may also refuse admission to nonresident students because of overcrowded conditions, unreasonable operating costs arising from such admissions, the educational facilities or programs maintained for the students of the District are inadequate to meet the needs of the nonresident students, or other extenuating circumstances.

2. Delegation of
SC 1317.2 (e) (1)

When the School District receives a student who transfers from a public or private school during an expulsion period for an offense involving a weapon, the District may assign that student to an alternative assignment or may provide alternative education, provided the assignment may not exceed the expulsion period.

SC 1306.2 (a), 1318

A person under twenty-one (21) years of age who is confined to an adult local correctional institution following conviction for a criminal offense who is otherwise eligible for educational services shall be eligible to receive educational services from the School District in the same manner and extent as an expelled student.

SC 1306.2 (b), 1901

A person under twenty-one (21) years of age who is confined to an adult local correctional institution following a charge for a criminal offense who is otherwise eligible for educational services, shall be eligible to receive educational services from the School District in the same manner and extent as a student placed in an alternative education program for disruptive students.

The Superintendent/designee shall implement this policy and shall suggest changes, as needed, to the Board for adoption.

3. Guidelines

SC 1304-A
SC 1305-A
Pol. 216
SC 1302
SC 1316, 2561
Pol. 607
Pol. 810
SC 1305
SC 1306, 1307, 1308, 1309, 1310
Title 22
Sec. 11.18
SC 1316
SC 1316
SC 1302
Title 22
Sec. 11.19


Upon registration and prior to admission to this District's schools, the parent/guardian or person having control or charge of a student, shall provide a sworn statement stating whether the student was previously suspended or expelled from any public or private school in any state for an offense involving weapons, alcohol or drugs; for the willful infliction of injury to another person; or for any act of violence committed on school property. This sworn statement shall be maintained as part of the student's disciplinary record.

Parents/Guardians or person having control or charge of a student, who intentionally submit a false statement shall be subject to conviction of a misdemeanor of the third degree.

When a student transfers to this District, a certified copy (certified by the sending principal or his/her designee) of the student's disciplinary record shall be obtained from the School from which the student is transferring. While it is the responsibility of our District to request the disciplinary record from the sending school, the sending school has ten (10) days from the receipt of the request to supply the certified copy of the student's disciplinary record. School Districts are not required to obtain parental authorization for the release of a student's disciplinary records.


1. The Board reserves the right to verify the residence of any student and to require appropriate legal documentation showing dependency or guardianship or a sworn statement of support and/or other proof (i.e. divorce decree, court order) for a student who resides with a person other than his/her parent, guardian, or custodian of his/her person as provided in School Code.

2. A nonresident student can only be admitted upon the proper application to the School District by his/her parents or guardian of the person.

3. A nonresident student shall meet the age requirements for public school attendance.

4. Initial enrollment and continued enrollment of any nonresident student is contingent upon maintaining good standards of citizenship and discipline.

5. Tuition rates are determined annually by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Tuition shall be billed monthly, in advance of attendance. Final tuition payment shall be due and payable within sixty (60) days of the student's last regularly scheduled school day.

6. The Board is not obligated to transport any nonresident student to and from school unless the student resides within the District and is eligible to ride a school bus to and from school.

7. The District shall not exclude any eligible nonresident student on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, or ancestry.

Special Considerations

1. Nonresident children placed in the District –

Any child placed in the home of a resident of this District by a court or an agency of government shall be admitted to the schools and shall receive the same benefits and be subject to the same rights and responsibilities as resident students.

2. Inmates of institutions –

A child who is an inmate of an institution for the care or training of children located within this District is not a legal resident of the District by such placement but shall be admitted to the schools of this District, and a charge shall be made for tuition in accordance with statute and Board policy. When these students are admitted to the District's schools, they will be provided the same transportation as resident students.

3. Former residents –

Regularly enrolled students whose parents (or guardian of the person) move out of the District may be permitted to finish the current semester without payment of tuition. When the student is in the senior year, s/he may be permitted to finish the School year in the District without payment of tuition. Requests shall be made to the Board through the office of the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall inform the Board that such students will be attending the District's schools.

4. Nonresident students moving into the School District –

Nonresident students relocating to the District may be permitted to start or attend school prior to officially moving into the District provided that:

a. Their parents (or guardian of the person) can provide proof of an executed rental agreement, purchase agreement, or construction agreement for a residential dwelling within the District's boundaries.

b. The student's parents (or guardian of the person) will occupy the dwelling as their primary residence.

c. The parents (or guardian of the person) will occupy the dwelling within forty-five (45) days of the start of school or the beginning of a new semester. Requests shall be made to the Board through the office of the Superintendent on a form provided by the School District. The Superintendent shall inform the Board that such students will be attending the District's schools.

5. Other non-resident students –

A nonresident student may be admitted to this District without payment of tuition where attendance is legally permitted on the grounds that the student:

a. Lives year around with District residents who have assumed an obligation of support for the student as provided in Public School Code.

b. is visiting this country as an exchange student and lives in the District. Before accepting these types of students, the sponsoring residents shall file with the Board, through the Superintendent's office, a notarized statement on a form provided by the School District, that they are supporting the student as if s/he were their own, without personal compensation or gain, and that they will assume all personal obligations, required for school attendance within the District, for the child. The Superintendent shall inform the Board that such students will be attending the District's schools.


School Code – 24 P.S. Sec. 501, 502, 503, 1301, 1302, 1304-A, 1305, 1305-A, 1306, 1306.2, 1307, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1316, 1317.2, 1318, 1901, 2503, 2561

State Board of Education Regulations – 22 PA Code Sec. 11.18, 11.19, 11.41

Board Policy – 103, 251, 607, 810, 906