Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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The Board requires that school age students enrolled in district schools attend school regularly, in accordance with state laws. The educational program offered by the district is predicated upon the presence of the student and requires continuity of instruction in order for students to achieve academic standards and consistent educational progress.

Attendance shall be required of all students enrolled in district schools, except that a principal or teacher may excuse a student for temporary absences when receiving satisfactory evidence of mental, physical, or other urgent reasons that may reasonably cause the student’s absence. Urgent reasons shall be strictly construed and do not permit irregular attendance.

The Board may report to appropriate authorities infractions of the law regarding the attendance of students below the age of seventeen (17). The Board shall issue notice to those parents/guardians who fail to comply with the statutory requirements of compulsory attendance that such infractions will be prosecuted according to law.

The Superintendent is responsible for the development of procedures for the attendance of students that:

1. Ensure a school session that conforms to requirements of state regulations.

2. Distribute annually to staff, students, and parents/guardians information regarding policies and school rules and regulations governing student attendance, absences and excusals.

3. Impose on truant students appropriate incremental disciplinary measures for infractions of school rules. No penalty may have an irredeemably negative effect on the student’s record beyond that which naturally follows absence from classroom learning experiences.

4. Identify the habitual truant, investigate the causes of truant behavior, and consider modification of the student’s educational program to meet particular needs and interests.

5. Ensure that students legally absent have an opportunity to make up work. The number of school days allowed for such make-up work will be at least equal to the number of days absent.

6. Issue a written notice to any parent/guardian who fails to comply with the compulsory attendance statute, within three (3) days of any proceeding brought under that statute. Such notice shall inform the parent/guardian of the date(s) the absence occurred, that the absence was unexcused and in violation of law, that the parent/guardian is being notified and informed of his/her liability under law for the absence of the student, and that further violation during the school term will be prosecuted.

The Board directs the Superintendent or designee to implement and monitor a process for tracking student attendance and to take the appropriate actions set forth in this policy, including court action as necessary.

Excused Absences

The Board considers the following conditions to constitute reasonable cause for absence from school:

1. Illness.

2. Quarantine.

3. Recovery from accident.

4. Required court attendance.

5. Death in family.

6. Family educational trips.

7. Another urgent reason to be considered only if it directly affects the student and is agreed to by the school principal (i.e., impassable road).

The Board will recognize justifiable absences for part of the school day. These shall include:

1. Medical or dental appointments.

2. Court appearances.

3. Family emergencies.

4. Other urgent reasons approved by the building principal.
The Board shall excuse the following students from the requirements of attendance at the schools of this district:

1. On certification by a licensed health care professional or submission of other satisfactory evidence and on approval of the Department of Education, children who are unable to attend school or apply themselves to study for mental, physical, or other reasons that preclude regular attendance.

2. Students enrolled in nonpublic or private schools in which the subjects and activities prescribed by law are taught, except that such students and students attending college who are also enrolled part-time in the district schools shall be counted as being in part-time attendance in the district.

3. Students fifteen (15) or sixteen (16) years of age whose enrollment in private trade or business school has been approved.

4. Students fifteen (15) years of age, and fourteen (14) years of age who have completed sixth grade, who are engaged in farm work or private domestic service under duly issued permits.

5. Students sixteen (16) years of age regularly employed during the school session and holding a lawfully issued employment certificate.

The district may excuse the following student from the requirements of attendance at district schools:

1. Students receiving tutorial instruction in a field not offered in the district’s curricula from a properly qualified tutor approved by the Superintendent, when the excusal does not interfere with the student’s regular program of studies.

2. Homebound children unable to attend school on the recommendation of the school physician and the school psychologist or psychiatrist and approval of the Secretary of Education.

3. Students participating in visitations to institutions of higher learning. Visits are limited to no more than three (3) per school year, and must be approved by the school principal who may require verification of such a visit.

4. Students enrolled in special schools conducted by the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit or the Department of Education.

Attendance need not always be within school facilities. A student will be considered in attendance if present at any place where school is in session by authority of the Board; the student is receiving approved tutorial instruction, or health or therapeutic services; the student is engaged in an approved and properly supervised independent study, work-study or career education program; the student is receiving approved homebound instruction.

Religion Related Absences

All absences occasioned by observance of the student’s religion on a day approved by the Board as a religious holiday shall be excused. A penalty shall not be attached to an absence for a religious holiday.

The Board shall, upon written request of the parents/guardians, release from attendance a student participating in a religious instruction program acknowledged by the Board. Such instruction shall not require the child’s absence from school for more than thirty-six (36) hours per school year, and its organizers must inform the Board of the child’s attendance record. The Board shall not provide transportation to religious instruction. A penalty shall not be attached to an absence for religious instruction.

4-H, FFA Participation

The Board shall permit a student to be excused for participation in a project sponsored by a statewide or countywide 4-H, FFA, or combined 4-H and FFA group upon written request prior to the event.


A student is considered to be tardy who arrives less than two (2) hours after his/her school's scheduled starting time.

Tardiness is unexcused unless certified as excused by a licensed health care provider or the school principal.

A student who reports to school more than two (2) hours after his/her school's scheduled starting time or leaves school prior to 1:30 and does not return, and whose tardiness is unexcused will be charged with a half day unexcused/illegal absence. If, however, such tardiness is excusable, a student will be considered legally absent for a half day.

Unexcused tardiness will be recorded on every student's report card at the end of each marking period.

Unexcused tardiness is cumulative. A student accumulating six (6) unexcused tardies to school, regardless of the degree of lateness, shall be charged with one (1) day of unexcused absence.

Each building shall determine appropriate discipline (i.e., loss of extra-curricular activities) for tardiness.

Unlawful Absence

Absences shall be treated as unlawful until the district receives an excuse explaining the absence, to be submitted within three (3) days of the absence.

The parent/guardian shall receive notification of each incident of unlawful absence within ten (10) days of the absence.

A maximum of eight (8) days of cumulative lawful absences verified by parent/guardian notification may be permitted during a school year. All absences beyond eight (8) cumulative days shall require an excuse from a licensed physician. The parent/guardian will receive written notification from the district that such verification is required for all subsequent absences for the remainder of the school year.

A student who is absent from an individual class for twenty (20) cumulative days shall be referred to the SAP Team for intervention due to risk of a loss of credit toward graduation for the course.

Truancy Evaluation And Response

Upon accumulation of two (2) days of illegal absence or the equivalent, or following eight (8) days of legal absence, the principal shall convene an Attendance Team (Student Assistance Program (SAP) Team, or other school personnel) to review the circumstances and develop an appropriate response.

If it is determined that further action is required the school shall coordinate a school/family conference to discuss the cause of the child’s truancy and develop a mutually agreed upon Truancy Elimination Plan (TEP).

If after agreeing to a TEP, or if there is not agreement on a TEP, and a child has a subsequent unlawful absence, at any point in the school year, then a notice will be sent to the parent/guardian that the TEP has been violated and advising the parent/guardian that a citation will immediately be sent to the magisterial district judge. All future incidents shall be referred directly to the magisterial district judge at the discretion of the building principal.

Any child under age thirteen (13) that is determined to be habitually truant shall be referred to Union County Children and Youth. The district may make such a referral in lieu of or in addition to sending a citation to the magisterial judge proceeding against the parent/guardian.

Any child, who has attained age thirteen (13) or older that is determined to be habitually truant, may be referred to Union County Children and Youth. The district may make such a referral in lieu of prosecuting the child.

Union County Children and Youth should not be notified until after the district has made an effort to involve the family and child in resolving the cause of truant behavior.

Each succeeding illegal absence during the school year will also result in prosecution before the District Magistrate.

At the high school, no credit toward a course grade will be awarded for class participation, graded exams, or quizzes that are missed due to unexcused absence or unexcused tardiness.

The principal shall have the discretion to require a student to make up missed time for school credit if a student fails to follow the TEP. Such time may be made up through summer school, independent study, or other appropriate means as determined by the principal.

Potential Consequences

The Attendance Team may set consequences for inconsistent attendance patterns. The actions may include but are not limited to this list, and shall be based upon the severity of the situation.

1. Counseling.
2. Reprimand.
3. Detention.
4. Parent/Guardian conference.
5. Requirement of an excuse from a licensed health care provider.
6. Report of child services agency.
7. Exclusion from class.
8. Suspension.
9. Enforced withdrawal from extra-curricular activities.
10. Enforced withdrawal from a course or receipt of only partial credit.
11. Alternative educational program.
12. Expulsion.

A student who has been absent for ten (10) consecutive days and whose parent(s)/guardian(s) has not notified the school district as to the reason for the student's absence, will be withdrawn from the rolls.

Student Accounting Procedures

Each building principal will provide a telephone contact system for student attendance accounting. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are to utilize this system in the event of a student's absence. The principal or designee shall provide a return call for each student unaccounted.

The school principal may, at any time, require a student to produce a written excuse signed by a parent/guardian, stating the specific reason for the student's absence. If requested, this excuse must be produced within three (3) school days after a student returns to school, or the student will be charged with a unexcused/illegal absence regardless of the reason(s).

For students who are absent for health care reasons, the school principal may also, at any time, require a parent or guardian to produce a licensed health care provider's excuse. This excuse must be produced within five (5) school days, unless a letter, signed by the provider is on file explaining the long-term illness or condition.

The principal or Superintendent may contact and make inquiries of appropriate persons to verify parent/guardian and provider excuses. The district has the authority to judge the legality of an excuse, and to request further documentation for any absence.

The principal will ensure that all students participating in extra-curricular activities fulfill all requirements of School Board Policy 122 (Student Participation in Extra-curricular Activities).


School Code – 24 P.S. Sec. 510, 1301, 1318, 1326, 1327, 1329, 1330, 1332, 1333, 1338, 1339, 1354, 1501, 1504, 1546

State Board of Education Regulations – 22 PA Code Sec. 4.4, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.5, 11.8, 11.12, 11.21, 11.22, 11.23, 11.24, 11.25, 11.26, 11.28, 11.32, 11.34,
11.41, 12.1

Board Policy – 000, 115, 116, 117, 117-AG, 118, 122, 204.1, 218, 218-AG, 233,