Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Educational Trips (Not School Sponsored)

The Board recognizes that some non-school sponsored educational trips/experiences for students may enhance and enrich the learning opportunities provided in the district's schools. Therefore, students may be allowed to be absent from school during the designated school year for such educational trips/experiences provided that the following procedure is followed in requesting and granting permission for such trips/experiences.

Building Administration's Responsibility

1. The building principal may approve requests for no more than three (3) educational trips/experiences, which, in aggregate, total no more than five (5) school days per school year.

2. The building principal shall inform the Superintendent that a request for an educational trip/experience has been approved.

3. No request will be approved for an educational trip/experience during the first and last week of each semester. Furthermore, no request will be approved for a student who is on academic probation or who is academically ineligible to participate in extracurricular activities.

4. No request shall be approved for a student who has been absent from school for more than five (5) school days in the academic year unless the student has experienced a documented extraordinary illness/injury or circumstance.

Parent’s/Guardian’s Responsibility

1. A documented and a signed application (obtained from the school building office) must be received by the principal from the parent/guardian one (1) week prior to the anticipated absence. The application shall include:

a. The date of submission of the request.

b. The dates the student will be absent for the purpose of the educational trip/experience.

c. The specific educational nature of the trip/experience including any related projects.

d. The name of the adult who is directing and supervising the student during the trip/experience. This person must be acceptable to the parent/guardian and the building principal.

e. The names and grade levels of other students participating in the same

f. The number of days for educational trips/experiences requested and approved prior to the current application during the school year.

2. In order to qualify as being educational, the trip/experience must include an activity that is held in an educational setting such as, but not limited to, a simulator, school, museum, historical site, zoo, gallery, laboratory, state or national park, library, etc., in which the student will experience first-hand or in a simulation the concept being presented. Hunting and fishing trips shall be considered activities held in an educational setting.

Student's Responsibility

1. Prior to the trip/experience, it is the student's responsibility to initiate contact with his/her teachers to arrange for learning experiences, assignments, and/or examinations to be completed.

At the secondary level, each of the student's teachers must initial the application. This indicates that a teacher has been informed of the pending trip/experience. A teacher is encouraged to contact the principal if s/he feels that the educational trip/experience request should be denied.

2. In conveying a positive response to the application, it should be clearly stated that the granting of a request does not assure a passing grade for any course of study.

3. It shall remain the responsibility of the student to satisfactorily complete all required assignments within the time requirements designated by a teacher in consultation with the student. This may include a project directly related to the trip/experience as assigned by a teacher.

Failure to follow the procedures outlined in this policy may result in an unexcused and/or illegal absence.

Annually, this policy shall be publicized in student handbooks and/or by other appropriate means.


State Board of Education Regulations – 22 PA Code Sec. 11.26