Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Work-Release Time

The Board recognizes that some students have a financial necessity to work and/or that some students may receive additional educational benefits by working.
The Board directs the Superintendent to develop administrative guidelines that provide such students with limited work-release time during the school day.
1. The student seeking work release time must be in the eleventh or twelfth grade and must have secured working papers in order to verify employment.
2. The student must submit a written application to the principal for work-release time. This application must include a parent/guardian signature.
3. The high school principal will confer with the student's counselor to determine if the student is making satisfactory progress toward graduation requirements. The principal will then respond inwriting, either approving or denying the request.The principal's response will include either the reason for denial or any condition(s) for the work-release time.
4. The student shall be limited to no more than two (2) hours of work-release time per day.
5. The high school principal shall have the authority to modify or revoke a student's work-release time if the student does not meet or abide by theterms of this or other school board policies and/or the conditions of his/her work-release time.