Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Withdrawal From School

The Board believes it is in the best interests of both students and the community that students complete the educational program that will equip them with skills and increase their chances for a successful and fulfilling life beyond the schools.
The Board directs that whenever a student expresses a desire to withdraw from school, every effort should be made to determine the underlying reason for such action and the resources of the district should be used to assist the student in reaching his/her career goals. No student will be permitted to withdraw without the written consent of a parent/guardian unless other justification exists, (e.g., that student is an emancipated student).
Immediately upon district personnel learning of a student’s desire to withdraw, the following must occur.
Case Manager Involvement -
1. A Case Manager is assigned to the student.
2. The Case Manager schedules a meeting with the student’s team of teachers, the parent/guardian, and the student.
3. During the meeting, the Case Manager collects data from the team and completes the Withdrawal Process Form.
4. Together, the Case Manager and the team formulate an action plan.
5. The plan is implemented.
6. Six (6) weeks later, the Case Manager and the team reconvene to reevaluate the student and the plan.
Administrator Involvement -
If, after six (6) weeks, the plan is not working and the student still wants to withdraw from school, the Case Manager sets up a meeting with the student’s guidance counselor, an administrator, the parent/guardian, and the student.
Superintendent Involvement -
If, after the administrative/guidance meeting, the parents/guardians and student still want the student to withdraw from school, the student’s guidance counselor schedules a meeting with the Superintendent, the parent/guardian, and the student.
Other Supports to be Used in the Planning Process -
1. Mentor sessions every 12 days (Day 6A).
2. SAP Process.
3. Career Link Resources.
4. Job Coach Support.
5. Group Referral.