Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Student Accident Insurance

The Board recognizes the need for insurance coverage for unforeseen accidents which may occur to students in the course of attendance at school or student participation in the athletic and extracurricular programs of the schools.
The Board will maintain the purchase of an Interscholastic Sports Insurance Program (grades 7 through 12). The program covers all players, student coaches or managers, as well as band members, cheerleaders, and majorettes. Coverage is provided during games, practice sessions, and while traveling to and from the events.
The Board will provide parents the opportunity to purchase student accident insurance. An information pamphlet/application form explaining benefits provided and procedures for purchasing the insurance will be available during the first week of school.
The Superintendent shall prepare specifications and secure suitable coverage from qualified insurance carriers for recommendation and Board consideration and notify all students who may be eligible for insurance.