Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Terroristic Threats/Acts

The Board recognizes the danger that terroristic threats and acts by students present to the safety and welfare of district students, staff and community. The Board acknowledges the need for an immediate and effective response to a situation involving such a threat or act.

Communicate - shall mean to convey in person or by written or electronic means, including telephone, electronic mail, Internet, facsimile, telex and similar transmissions.

Terroristic threat - shall mean a threat communicated either directly or indirectly to commit any crime of violence with the intent to terrorize another, to cause evacuation of a building, place of assembly or facility of public transportation; or to otherwise cause serious public inconvenience, or cause terror or serious public inconvenience with reckless disregard of the risk of causing such terror or inconvenience.

The Board prohibits any district student from communicating terroristic threats directed at any student, employee, Board member, community member or property owned, leased or being used by the district.

The use of school facilities for communicating such threats or committing such acts against any person or entity is also prohibited.

In the case of a student with a disability, including a student for whom an evaluation is pending, the district shall take all steps required to comply with state and federal laws and regulations, the procedures set forth in the memorandum of understanding with local law enforcement and Board policies.

If a student is expelled for making terroristic threats, the Board may require, prior to readmission, that the student provide competent and credible evidence that the student does not pose a risk of harm to others.

The administration or designee shall react promptly to information and knowledge concerning a possible or actual terroristic threat. Such action shall be in compliance with state law and regulations and with the procedures set forth in the memorandum of understanding with local law enforcement officials and the district’s emergency preparedness plan.

The Superintendent shall be notified of all referrals to law enforcement.

Staff members and students shall be made aware of their responsibility for informing the building principal regarding any information or knowledge relevant to a possible or actual terroristic threat.

The building principal shall immediately inform the Superintendent after receiving a report of such a threat.

The administration or designee may report incidents involving terroristic threats on school property, at any school-sponsored activity or on a conveyance providing transportation to or from a school or school-sponsored activity to the local police department that has jurisdiction over the school’s property, in accordance with state law and regulations, the procedures set forth in the memorandum of understanding with local law enforcement and Board policies.

The administration or designee shall notify the parent/guardian of any student directly involved in an incident involving a terroristic threat as a victim or suspect immediately, as soon as practicable. The Superintendent or designee shall inform the parent/guardian whether or not the local police department that has jurisdiction over the school property has been or may be notified of the incident. The Superintendent or designee shall document attempts made to reach the parent/guardian.

In accordance with state law, the Superintendent shall annually report all incidents of terroristic threats to the Office for Safe Schools on the required form.

When an administrator has evidence that a student has made a terroristic threat or committed a terroristic act, the following guidelines shall be applied:

1. The building principal shall immediately suspend the student for a period of up to three (3) days, until the investigation is complete.

2. The building principal shall promptly report the incident to the Superintendent and, if necessary, law enforcement officials.

3. The Superintendent may recommend expulsion of the student to the Board.

If a student is expelled for making terroristic threats or committing terroristic acts, prior to readmission the Board may require, but is not limited to, one or more of the following:

1. That the student provides competent and credible evidence that the student does not pose a risk of harm to others;

2. That the student participates in a counseling program approved by the Superintendent; and/or

3. That the student makes restitution for damage and expense incurred as a result of the incident.


School Code – 24 P.S. Sec. 1302.1-A, 1303-A

State Board of Education Regulations – 22 PA Code Sec. 10.2, 10.22, 10.23, 10.25, 12.2

Terroristic Threats – 18 Pa. C.S.A. Sec. 2706

Individuals With Disabilities Education Act – 20 U.S.C. Sec. 1400 et seq.

Individuals With Disabilities Education Act, Title 34, Code of Federal Regulations –
34 CFR Part 300

Board Policy – 000, 113.1, 113.2, 233, 805, 805.1