Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Student Complaint Process

The Board recognizes that students have the right to seek redress of complaints. Therefore, an appeal procedure shall be provided to recognize these complaints.
A student complaint shall be any concern that arises out of actions that directly affect the student's participation in an approved education program or activity.
The Board or its employees shall recognize student complaints when such complaints are made according to the following general principles:
1. The student should first make the complaint known to the staff member most closely involved or, if none is identified, to his/her guidance counselor or building principal. These parties shall attempt to resolve the issue informally as soon as possible.
2. Grievances that cannot be resolved informally at the building level will be given proper consideration through the following chain of authority: compliance administrator, Superintendent, and School Board according to the grievance procedure outlined in the administrative guidelines.
3. No reprisals of any kind shall be taken by anyone against any student as a result of a complaint or appeal.
4. A student may seek the help of a parent (guardian) at any time.
The Superintendent shall:
1. Designate a member of the administrative staff:
a. To coordinate efforts of the Lewisburg Area School District to comply with this policy.
b. To develop and ensure the maintenance of a filing system to keep all records required under this policy.
c. To investigate any complaints of violations of this policy.
d. To administer the grievance procedure established in this policy.
2. Provide for the publication of this policy on an annual and ongoing basis to students, parents (guardians), and District employees. Such publication shall include the name, office address, and telephone number of the designated compliance administrator.
Grievance Procedure
1. Any student of the Lewisburg Area School District who believes that s/he has been discriminated against, denied a benefit, or excluded from participation in any Lewisburg Area School District education program or activity may file a written complaint with the compliance administrator designated in paragraph 1 above.
2. The written narrative shall outline the details substantiating the complaint.
3. The compliance administrator shall cause a review of the written complaint to be conducted and a written response mailed to the complainant within ten (10) school days after receipt of the written complaint.
4. A copy of the written complaint and the compliance administrator's response shall be provided to the Superintendent.
5. If the complainant is not satisfied with such response, s/he may submit a written appeal to the Superintendent, within ten (10) school days after receipt of the compliance officer's response, indicating the nature of the disagreement with the response and his/her reasons underlying such disagreement.
6. The Superintendent shall cause a review of the written complaint to be conducted and a written response to the complainant shall be made within ten (10) school days after receipt of the disagreement from the complainant.
7. Should the complainant not be satisfied with the response of the Superintendent, s/he may appeal to the Board within ten (10) school days after receipt of the Superintendent's response.
8. The Board shall consider the appeal within fifteen(15) days of receipt of such and permit the complainant to address the Board in closed session and shall then provide the complainant with its written decision in the matter as expeditiously as possible following the completion of the hearing.
9. In the event that the grievance remains unresolved at the termination of this grievance procedure, the grievant is free to pursue such litigation or statutory remedy as the law may provide.