Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Students and the Police

The Board recognizes that compulsory attendance laws impose on the Board the custodianship of the public school students of the district while they are present in the schools.
Whenever the Superintendent or designee has determined that the police have a legitimate purpose in interrogating a student within the confines of a school building, the principal or his/her representative shall be present throughout the proceedings. Parent (guardian) permission shall be obtained before any such interrogation, and all due process rights shall be observed.
When the police request permission to arrest a student at school, the principal shall:
1. Inform the Superintendent.
2. Attempt to inform the student's parents (guardians).
3. Request and inspect the arrest warrant.
No child shall be released to police authorities without proper warrant, appropriate evidence, and written parental permission, except in the event of emergency or for the protection of life or property as determined by the principal.
The Superintendent shall develop administrative guidelines for this policy.