Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Use of School Facilities for Non-School Functions

The Board recognizes that district school buildings and grounds are supported by the taxpayers of Lewisburg Area School District. Therefore, the Board shall make the district’s facilities available to responsible, groups and organizations of this community for appropriate civic, cultural, welfare, or recreational activities so long as the activities do not infringe upon nor interfere with the operations and best interests of the district in providing a quality education to its students or impose an unreasonable burden on the fiscal or human resources of the district.

The law does not permit school districts to select which groups or organizations may use school district facilities. School districts may close their facilities to all outside groups and organizations. However, if any community group or organization is permitted to use the facilities, then all groups have the right to use the facility regardless of political, philosophical, religious, or any other content of such meetings or ideology of the organization.

Permission for use of district facilities shall not constitute a district endorsement of any organization or the beliefs of any organization or group, nor the expression of any opinion regarding the nomination, retention, election, nor defeat of any candidate, or the expression of any opinion as to the passage or defeat of any issue.

It is the Board’s intention to grant permission for the use of school facilities to the following groups:

TIER 1 - Non-Affiliated School Groups - Individuals, groups or organizations not directly affiliated with the schools seeking to use school facilities. All Tier 1 groups and organizations will pay a rental fee and excess cost, as outlined in the facilities fee schedule, for the use of facilities. Such users shall be limited to those based within the Lewisburg Area School District, unless special permission is granted by the Superintendent or designee.

TIER 2 - School-Affiliated Organizations - Recognized school-affiliated organizations that use the facilities for the benefit of students, parents, or employees of the district.

The use and rental of district facilities shall be restricted to organizations located within the Lewisburg Area School District or having a majority of members who are LASD residents. Organizations within the district that are acting as hosts to an area or regional meeting or program may also use the facilities. The Superintendent may present to the Board a request for an exception for an organization that s/he believes should be permitted to use the facilities but does not comply with the requirements.

Groups not affiliated with the school district that use district facilities are required to include the following disclaimer in any advertising or materials distributed in any form (posters, flyers, mailings, etc.):

“The Lewisburg Area School District does not promote or endorse this activity or organization.”

Permission to use school facilities may be granted under the following conditions:

1. The intended use of the property is for entirely legal purposes.

2. The use must in no way interfere with the regular school program nor with scheduled school activities.

3. School employees or specifically trained students shall operate all apparatus, equipment, and devices owned by the school, unless special arrangements are made otherwise.

4. NO school district equipment shall be available to groups using a facility unless arranged and approved in advance. This includes items such as stage lights, sound, computers, projectors, piano, tables, etc.

5. The intended use must not cause the district to give away property or in any way work to the detriment of the school program.

6. The intended use is not likely to cause a disturbance of the peace or lead to the destruction of property.

7. Rental and excess cost charges, as established for the current school year, must be paid in a timely manner.

8. If table placement or removal or other major rearrangement of rooms is required, Tier 1 will be charged a set up fee.

The following guidelines will apply to each of the tiers.

Tier 1
Non-Affiliated Tier 2
Application Required?
Use of Facilities Form School-Affiliated
Use of Facilities
Use Limitations?

Non-school hours only NONE
Insurance Certificate required?
Yes No

Fee for use charged?

Yes, Rental fee + Excess costs (see fee schedule) NONE

See current facilities fee chart for specifics.

Annually, the Superintendent shall submit to the Board a list of recommended groups and organizations for each Tier to be approved by the Board for one (1) year. In addition, a list of recommended charges for rent, excess-cost, allowable equipment and devices usage shall be presented to the Board for approval annually.

Organizations using a school facility may not transfer their rights and privileges to any other group, individual, or organization.

In the event school is closed for any reason, the facilities will not be available for use.


1. Community groups wishing to use any school facility shall contact the office of that facility and complete the “Application for Community Use of School Property” form. School-affiliated organizations shall contact the building principal and complete the “Application for Use of School Property for School Affiliated Groups and Organizations” form.

a. All forms shall be submitted no later than fifteen (15) days prior to the intended use. An emergency waiver of the procedures may be granted under special circumstances at the discretion of the building principal or designee.

b. Applications for any intended use of facilities during the current school year (July 1-June 30) will be accepted. Applications for the next school year will not be accepted until June 1 of the current school year.

c. The building principal is responsible for establishing the schedule for the use of building and grounds, giving priority to school-affiliated groups and organizations.

2. The building principal reviews the application and tentatively schedules the facility if it is available. The principal shall then forward the application to the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds.

3. In the case of a request for athletic facilities, the application must be approved by the Athletic Director in addition to the building principal.

4. The Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds assigns custodial services as required and forwards the application to the Director of Administrative Services for approval.

5. The Director of Administrative Services or designee shall determine the tier (1 or 2) to which the application will be assigned and, if required, verify that a copy of the current certificate of insurance is on file. The Director of Administrative Services is also responsible for preparing a bill for rental fees and/or excess cost charges. Fees are due to the district at least two (2) days prior to scheduled use. The Director of Administrative Services shall determine if security or food service personnel are required and make proper notification for those services. The Director of Administrative Services or designee shall send a copy of the processed form to the responsible person identified on the application and to the building principal.

6. Where cooperative relationships exist between the district and various governmental and civic agencies, the Director of Administrative Services may waive the payment of excess costs listed above on an individual event-basis. The waiver will not be granted if (1) the request for use and waiver is not submitted in a timely manner; (2) admissions or donations are collected for attendance; and, (3) the event could be construed as politically partisan in nature.

Regulations For Use Of Facilities

1. The district reserves the right to refuse, cancel, or postpone the use of any facility to any group or organization. The district also reserves the right to assign employees to staff the facility, at the expense of the user, as it deems necessary to protect and maintain the district property. District administrators are in full charge of the facilities at all times and shall be admitted to all activities.

2. Smoking and possession or use of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or weapons on school grounds are prohibited.

3. Consumption of food and beverages is prohibited except in specified locations.

4. If food service or security personnel are needed, as determined by the administration, such costs will be borne by the user organization.

5. Usage of district-owned equipment must be requested in advance and charges for equipment usage must be paid prior to facilities use. School employees or specifically trained students shall operate all apparatus, equipment, devices owned by the school, unless special arrangements are made otherwise. If table placement or removal or other major rearrangement of rooms is required, Tier 1 will be charged a set up fee.

6. Users will be responsible for any damages resulting from their use of school facilities. The building custodial staff shall report any damage to the building principal, who will in turn notify the Director of Administrative services.

7. The user will be responsible for the removal of all litter, debris, decorations, and other items brought to the facility before vacating the premises. Items within the facility moved by the user shall be restored to their original positions. Additional charges will be incurred in cases of failure to observe this regulation.

8. There shall be no illegal activities conducted on school premises at any time. Use of district buildings and grounds is at times subject to the provisions of the Public School Code and any other relevant laws of the state or municipality.

9. An organization approved for the use of district facilities may not sublet or transfer its rights, privileges, and responsibilities to any other individual, group, or organization.

10. The user shall be responsible for the actions of those admitted to any event or activity held under their auspices on school property.

11. Organizations that do not comply with the regulations listed above will be subject to the denial of future permission to use any school facility.


School Code – 24 P.S. Sec. 511, 775, 779

State Board of Education Regulations – 22 PA Code Sec. 403.1

Department of Revenue Regulations – 61 PA Code Sec. 901.1, 901.701

Local Option Small Games of Chance Act – 10 P.S. Sec. 311 et seq.

School Tobacco Control – 35 P.S. Sec. 1223.5

Pro-Children Act of 2001 – 20 U.S.C. Sec. 7181 et seq.

Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act – 20 U.S.C. Sec. 7905

Board Policy – 000