Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Public Performances by Students

The Board recognizes the value to students of sharing their talents and skills with the community through student participation and performances in nonschool-sponsored public events.

Such performances shall be encouraged and be viewed as a contribution to our community by students.

The building principal shall approve all requests for public performances by student groups.

Students or district personnel may not participate under the district name in events deemed controversial or unsuitable by the building principal and the Superintendent.

The circumstances of the event in which students are participating may not pose a threat to the health, safety and well-being of the students who will be involved.

Parental permission, when applicable must be received before students may participate in a public performance.

No student, group of students or employees of this Board may receive personal compensation for the performance in public of students representing the school or the district.

The school personnel involved in organizing student participation in a public event are to protect the interest of students and guard against commercial or other forms of exploitation.