Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Pregnant Students


1. Purpose

SC 1326
Title 22
Sec. 12.1

A student who is eligible to attend district schools and is married and/or pregnant shall not be denied an educational program solely because of marriage, pregnancy, pregnancy-related disabilities, or potential or actual parenthood.

2. Authority

The Board reserves the right to require as a prerequisite for attendance in the regular classes and participation in the extracurricular program of the schools that each pregnant student present to the Superintendent or designee a licensed physician’s written statement that such activity will not be injurious to her health nor jeopardize her pregnancy.

3. Guidelines

A pregnant student whose mental or physical condition prevents her from attending regular classes, when such condition is certified by a licensed physician, may be assigned to an alternate educational program in another district or institution that is designed to respond to the educational needs of the pregnant student or a program of homebound instruction.

A student who has received an alternate educational program for reasons associated with her pregnancy shall be readmitted to the regular school program upon her request and the written statement of a licensed physician that she is physically fit to do so.

4. Delegation of Responsibility

The Superintendent or designee shall develop procedures for implementing this policy which may include:

1. Offering counseling services to help students plan their future.

2. Cooperation with community resources to assist students.

3. Development of a curriculum for the alternate educational program to which the pregnant student may be assigned on her request.


School Code – 24 P.S. Sec. 510, 1326

State Board of Education Regulations – 22 PA Code Sec. 12.1