Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Public Relations

The purpose of the school-community relations program is to inform the public of and involve them in the goals and services of the district's schools.
Toward this end, the Board shall provide parents or guardians and other district residents information regarding local school procedures, and will utilize, insofar as practical, all appropriate means and media to achieve the following objectives:
to explain the programs, achievements and needs of the schools;
to determine what residents expect from their schools and which particular areas of the school program, policies, or operations need further clarification or explanation;
to keep staff members fully informed;
to operate, insofar as required, in public session, as speedily and efficiently as circumstances permit, and with public participation;
to recognize pupils as a "public" entitled to both be heard and to be provided with reasons for policies and practices which relate to them; and
to inform school personnel that community opinion depends upon the daily life of the school.