Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Employment Contract

The Board shall execute an employment contract with the Superintendent and/or the Assistant Superin tendent who has been elected or approved by the Board or who has been retained for an additional term and meets the eligibility requirements as described by law.
The Board has the authority under law to prescribe employment conditions for all District personnel. Willful misrepresentation of facts material to the employment and determination of salary level shall be considered cause for disciplinary action or dismissal of the employee.
It shall be the policy of this Board consistentwith the law that the Superintendent and/or Assistant Superintendent execute an employment contract. The renewal of the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent's contract shall be placed on the agenda of the School Board's meeting, at least five (5) working days prior to a regular meeting of the Board, and occurring at least one hundred fifty (150) days prior to the expiration date of the term of office of the District Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent. The agenda shall include an item requiring affirmative action by five (5) or more members of the Board to notify the District Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent that the Board intends to retain him/her for a further term of from three (3) to five (5) years or that another or other candidates will be considered for the office. If the Board fails to take such action, the Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent shall continue in office for a further term of similar length to that which s/he is serving.
The contract shall specify those matters con tained in statute and other conditions consistent with this policy.
The contract shall include but not be limited to:
1. The beginning compensation.
2. Term of employment and work period for which compensation will be paid.
3. The qualifications and duties to be performed.
4. A statement of fringe benefits entitlement.
5. Other related matters.
The contract shall be included on the agenda of a regularly scheduled Board meeting and shall require the affirmative roll call vote of five (5) Directors.
The Board shall be promptly notified of any misunderstanding arising from the application of a given contract.