Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Evaluation of Superintendent

The Board believes that the evaluation of the Superintendent should promote his/her professional growth, impove the overall leadership and operation of the District, improve instruction and student achievement, and ensure attainment of individual and District goals. Furthermore, evaluation of the Superintendent shall communicate expectations, positive reinforcement, and constructive criticism and be completed in an objective and straightforward fashion.
The Board directs that there should be a plan for the annual evaluation of the Superintendent. This evaluation is the exclusive prerogative of the Board and shall evaluate the Superintendent according the following guidelines.
The Board will evaluate the performance of the Superintendent consistent with the employment contract between the Board and the Superintendent, and employing the evaluation form currently in force.
Prior to the beginning of the period under evaluation, the Board and Superintendent shall agree upon the criteria/information to be used for his/her evaluation.
Such criteria may include:
1. A Superintendent's self-evaluation.
2. Objectives agreed upon annually by the Board and the Superintendent.
3. The working relationship between the Board and the Superintendent.
4. Evaluation interviews between the Board and Superintendent during which no other business is discussed.
5. Working relationship between the Superintendent and staff.
As a result of the Superintendent's evaluation, the Board shall:
1. Recognize strengths and assist the Superintendent in capitalizing on them.
2. Identify areas needing improvement and establish a course of action to assist the Superintendent in improving them.
3. Establish specific objectives the achievement of which will advance the District and improve the Superintendent's leadership skills.