Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Non-Tenured Employees

The Board recognizes that certain administrators employed by the Board are not considered professional employees in the sense that they do not attain tenure status within the meaning of the School Code.
Effective District operation requires effective supervision by a variety of non-tenured administrators. Such administrators are a key part of the District's management force. The staff may include the following administrative positions that are non-tenured: extracurricular and other extra pay duty, Administrative Services Director, Food Service Supervisor, Supervisor of Buildings and Ground, and any position in which provision for tenure is not made by law.
No candidate shall be employed until such candidate has complied with all requirements of law and Board policy, and the Superintendent has evaluated the results of that screening process and recommended the employee to the Board.
The policies for creating positions, hiring, discipline and dismissal of administrators shall apply.