Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Job Related Expenses

The Board shall pay the actual and necessary job related travel expenses that District employees or individuals representing the District incur in the course of performing services for the District whether within or outside of the District. These expenses shall be reimbursed in accordance with the following guidelines.


1. All job-related expenses shall be reconciled on a form provided by the District. Reconciliation forms are available from any school building office or from the business office at the District's central administrative office building.

2. Only job-related expenses that can be documented by either an itemized receipt or mileage log shall be reimbursed.

3. All job-related expenses shall be submitted for reimbursement within forty-five (45) days of the incurring of the expense. Job-related expenses that are not submitted for reimbursement within forty-five (45) days shall be disallowed.

Mileage Expenses

1. Travel from home to work and from work to home shall not be considered job-related expenses and shall not be reimbursed by the Board.

2. The standard mileage rate allowance approved by the Internal Revenue Service shall be the rate at which mileage expenses are reimbursed by the Board.

3. When two or more individuals share the same automobile for travel, only one individual shall be reimbursed mileage expenses.

Meals and Lodging

1. The cost of meals incurred in the course of a normal school day shall not be considered job-related expenses unless the employee/representative is traveling outside of the District.

2. A gratuity equal to or less than 15% of the meal shall be considered a job-related expense.

3. Only the actual cost of the meal(s), including any gratuities, shall be reimbursed up to a daily maximum limit of $50 per day. Job-related meal expenses in excess of the daily limit are the employee's/representative's responsibility. The cost of alcoholic beverages shall not be reimbursed.

Meals shall be reimbursed* at the following rate:
Breakfast $ 10.00 maximum per day
Lunch $15.00 maximum per day
Dinner $25.00 maximum per day

4. Job-related lodging expenses shall only include the daily room rate and applicable room taxes. In-room movies, telephone calls unless for official school business, fitness room expenses, etc. are considered personal expenses.


1. Incidental and personal expenses are the responsibility of the
employee/representative and shall not be reimbursed by the Board.

2. Personal telephone calls shall not be reimbursed. Only telephone calls that pertain to school business shall be reimbursed.

3. Employees who have travel or professional job-related expenses as a
contractual benefit shall be reimbursed for actual job-related expenses up to the amounts stipulated in their contracts. Job-related expenses in excess of the contractual amounts shall not be reimbursed by the Board unless the job-related expenses are incurred at the request of the majority (affirmative vote of five (5) School Directors) of the entire Board. If the contractual amount is greater than the actual job-related expenses for any year, the excess cannot be carried forward and applied to subsequent years.

4. Employees who are given permission to use school/district credit cards shall not use such credit cards to purchase any personal items or services or items or services for family members or others even if the expenses are reimbursed to the Board.

1. An employee/representative who intentionally falsifies his/her expense statements shall be subject to criminal prosecution as provided by law. The employee shall additionally be subject to immediate dismissal from employment by the District. A representative shall be immediately terminated as a representative for the District and shall be prohibited from representing the District in the future.

2. Violations of other provisions of this policy shall be dealt with by the Board on a case-by-case basis and may result in termination of employment by the Board.