Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Personal Necessity Leave
The Board recognizes that events and situations may arise in the lives of support employees, that require their presence elsewhere during normal working hours, and establishes the following guidelines for a support employee's absence for personal necessity.
The Board has the authority and responsibility to establish reasonable guidelines that specify the manner of proof of personal necessity, the type of situations in which such leave will be permitted, and the total number of days that may be used in any school year for such leave.
Personal Leave - A day of leave for the employee to use in a manner determined by the employee. Must be approved in advance in accordance with this policy.
Family Leave - A day of leave to be used only in instances when an immediate family member is ill and needs support to obtain medical treatment outside the home or requires the presence of the employee. (See Policy 534)
Emergency Leave - Limited only to surgery or illness of the employee or an employee’s immediate family member or other bona fide emergency as determined by the Superintendent or designee. Must submit a “Request for Emergency Leave” to immediate supervisor within three (3) days of the employee’s return to work.
All support employees shall be granted emergency and personal leave days, with pay, consistent with Board policy. Personal leave does not apply to part-time employees.
Personal Leave
Personal leave must be requested by using the appropriate district form and submitted to the employee’s immediate supervisor at least five (5) days in advance of the planned leave. At no time shall approval be granted to more than twenty percent (20%) of the support staff from any department within each building.
Personal leave days may be allowed to accumulate to a total of five (5) days. Personal leave accumulated in excess of five (5) days shall be converted to sick leave.
Emergency leave days shall not be cumulative.
Emergency and personal leave days shall be prorated for support employees as follows:
Leaves 12 month Employees 11 monthEmployees All otherEmployees All otherEmployees All otherEmployees
Service Time for eligibility Immediate Immediate ServiceLess than2 years Service2 yrs. continuous Service10 yrs.continuous
Emergency Days per year 2 2 2 2 2
Personal Days per year 3 2 0 1 2

Bereavement Leave
An additional emergency leave shall be granted to all support employees whenever there is a death in the family of the employee.
Death of a member of the employee's immediate family shall not result in a deduction of salary for absence not in excess of three (3) school days.
Immediate family, as defined in the School Code, shall be limited to father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, husband, wife, parent-in-law, or near relative who resides in the same household or any person with whom the employee has made his/her home.
Death of an employee's near relative shall not result in a deduction in salary for absence on the day of the funeral.
Near relative, as defined in the School Code, shall be limited to first cousin, grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law.