Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Employment of Substitute Employees

In order to ensure reliable assistance in the absences of regular support personnel, The Board, shall employ and compensate qualified and competent substitutes for positions as secretaries, supervisory aides, maintenance workers, custodians, health-room aides, crossing guards, special-education aides and food service workers.

The Board shall annually approve the names of potential substitute support personnel and the positions in which they may substitute. Additional names may be added to the list during the school year, upon Board approval.

Such approval shall be given to those candidates for employment who meet the requirements of federal and state law and Board policy and, normally, who have been recommended by the Superintendent.

Any employee's misstatement of fact material to qualifications for employment or the determination of salary-shall be considered by this Board to constitute grounds for dismissal.

The utilization of substitute or short-term employees prior to approval by the Board is authorized when necessary to maintain continuity of services in the district. Retroactive employment shall be recommended to the Board at its next regular meeting.

Guidelines for the recruitment, screening and recommendation of candidates for employment shall follow those used for the employment of support personnel, Policy 502.

Substitute support employees shall be paid at the starting rate per hour of the position grade of the regular employee.

One day of allowable absence, without pay, is permitted during a 60-day work period without jeopardizing the continuity of this work period.

Substitute support employees shall not be eligible for fringe benefits unless the substitute work in total days is expected to be equal to or is more than the total number of days worked by the permanent employee during a fiscal year.