Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Employment of Summer School Staff

The Board directs that summer school program employees will be qualified and competent to fulfill assignments in accordance with these guidelines.
The Board shall approve the employment and fix the compensation consistent with the current bargaining agreement for each professional employee employed by the Board. It shall also fix the term of employment in the summer school program of this district, when said program is authorized by the Board.
Such approval shall be given to those candidates for employment who meet the requirements of federal and state law and Board policy and, normally, who have been recommended by the Superintendent.
Primary consideration will be given to candidates for summer school employment who are members of the staff of the school district.
Any employee's misstatement of fact-material to qualifications for employment or the determination of salary shall be considered by the Board to constitute grounds for dismissal.
The Superintendent shall develop guidelines for the recruitment, screening and recommendation of candidates for summer school employment.
Vacancies for summer school employment will be made known to District personnel consistent with the current bargaining agreement so that they may apply for such positions.
No candidate for professional employment shall receive recommendation for such employment without evidence of his/her certification.
Recommendations from former employers and others will be solicited to help assess a candidate's qualifications. Such records shall be retained confidentially and for official use only.