Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Grievance Procedure

The board recognizes the desirability of providing the means by which support employees can seek remedies for situations and decisions that they believe may adversely affect job performance and personal welfare. In recognition of this need, the board establishes the following to provide an orderly process for the resolution of disputes arising from such situations or decisions.The purpose of this grievance procedure is to provide, at the lowest possible administrative level, expeditious and satisfactory resolution of all grievances of support personnel as herein defined.
1. "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Lewisburg Area School District.
2. ”Immediate Supervisor” shall mean the Administrator who has first line supervision of the support staff employee.
3. "Support Personnel" shall mean all employees of the district other than teachers (as defined in the grievance procedure for teachers) and supervisor and management level employees, as defined in Section 301 of the Public Employee Relations Act.
4. "Days" shall mean calendar days.
5. "District" shall mean the Lewisburg Area School District.
6. "Grievance" shall mean a complaint by one or more support personnel arising out of or concerning policies, rules, regulations or practices of the board or the administration of the district, or conduct of other employees of the district.
7. "Grievant" shall mean the support employee having a grievance.
8. "Superintendent" shall mean the Superintendent of the district.
Level One
1. The grievant shall submit the details of the grievance in writing, on a form, provided by the district, to the immediate supervisor. Within five (5) days thereafter, the immediate supervisor shall meet at a mutually satisfactory time and place with the grievant for the purpose of adjusting or resolving the grievance. If the grievance is at that time resolved to the satisfaction of the grievant, the immediate supervisor shall promptly prepare a written report thereof and send a copy to the grievant and the Superintendent. The resolution of any grievance by the immediate supervisor shall become effective ten (10) days after the date of such a report, unless the Superintendent disapproves of said resolution by filing a written notice of disapproval with the grievant and the immediate supervisor within five (5) days. Upon filing of the Superintendent's notice of such disapproval, the grievance shall automatically enter Level Two of this procedure.
Level Two
2. If such a grievance is not resolved to the satisfaction of the grievant as a result of the procedure set forth in the previous paragraph, the grievant may present such grievance in writing to the Superintendent within fifteen (15) days after said meeting with the immediate supervisor.
3. Within ten (10) days after the Superintendent receives any grievance pursuant to the procedures set forth in paragraph 2, immediately above, or within ten (10) days after the filing of the written notice of disapproval under paragraph 1 above, the Superintendent shall meet at a mutually satisfactory time and place with the grievant for the purpose of adjusting or resolving the grievance. The Superintendent shall promptly prepare a written decision on the grievance and send a copy thereof to the grievant.
Level Three4. If the grievance is not resolved to the satisfaction of the grievant as a result of the procedure set forth in paragraph 3 above, the grievant may present such grievance in writing to the Secretary of the board within ten (10) days after said meeting with the Superintendent. Within ten (10) days after receipt of the grievance, the board, acting as a committee of the whole, shall meet with the grievant at a satisfactory time and place for the purpose of resolving the grievance. The board shall promptly prepare a written decision on the resolution of the grievance and send a copy thereof to the grievant and the Superintendent. The decision of the board will be final and not subject to review or appeal by the grievant unless so provided by the statutes of the Commonwealth.
GeneralThe time limits for processing the grievance may be extended by mutual written agreement of the parties.
Meeting on grievances shall not be open to the public. At Levels One and Two, no person shall be in attendance other than the grievant, a representative of the grievant's choice and the particular administrative reviewer of the grievance, unless otherwise agreed by all parties directly concerned. At Level Three, attendance shall be limited to members of the board, the school board solicitor, Superintendent, grievant, the grievant's representative and parties to the event giving rise to the grievance, unless otherwise agreed to in advance by the Superintendent and the grievant.