Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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The Board will provide vacations to support employees according to the following guidelines.
The Board has the authority and responsibility to establish reasonable guidelines that specify the conditions under which vacation may be taken and directs the Superintendent or designee to develop guidelines for administering this provision.
All twelve (12)-month support employees shall be entitled to a one (1)-week vacation with pay after the first year of service to the District. All twelve (12)-month support employees working less than a year during their initial year of employment will have their vacation prorated to the nearest full day according to months employed.
A two (2)-week vacation with pay shall be granted each twelve (12)-month support employee following his/her second year of service in the District and each year thereafter until after four (4) years of service has been attained. Beginning with the fifth (5th) year, each twelve (12)-month support employee shall receive an extra two (2) days vacation per year until a total of four (4) weeks vacation per year has been accumulated.
Vacation time must be approved by the immediate supervisor. In the event that vacation time is requested by more than one employee from a building staff for the same period of time and the granting of all of requests would substantially alter or interfere with the planned work schedule, the most senior employee shall be granted the requested vacation time.