Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Jury Duty and Other Civic Activities

The Board directs that employees shall be protected against loss of pay occasioned by such civic responsibilities as jury duty and service as elected officials to election boards in accordance to the following provisions.
Employees, both salaried and hourly, who are eligible for absence payment and are required to perform jury duty or serve as a witness in court proceedings, or who serve as elected officials to election boards will receive salary differential payments for such absences. Differential payments will be the difference between normal base pay and pay received for the civic duty. Such absences shall not be charged to allowable absence eligibility. An absence report form must be filed in the District Business Office, along with a statement from the court, attorney or senior election official showing dates served and payment received for the service.
Employees hired on less than a full-time basis who are not eligible for such leave will not be paid for time lost because of such duties.