Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Conflict of Interest

The Board will not employ, assign or reassign members of the same immediate family to any position within the District, when such employment, assignment or reassignment would require the employee or prospective employee to supervise or evaluate, or be supervised or evaluated by any other employee who is a member of the same immediate family. All requirements of Federal and state law and Board policy shall be met.
Furthermore, any District employee who is responsible for employing, evaluating, promoting, or disciplining other District employees shall not be placed in a position of having to make such personnel decisions affecting a member of his/her family. Recognizing that personnel decisions are crucial to effective and efficient operation of the District, it is in the best interests of the District to ensure proper accountability, and perception thereof, by avoiding the factor of family relationships in supervisor/supervisee roles.
School law shall control the hiring of teachers related to a Director. Terms
Prospective employee shall mean an applicant, professional and non-professional, for full-time and part-time employment, with the exception of extracurricular positions and substitutes.
Immediate family shall mean father, mother, brother, sister, husband, wife, son, daughter, stepfather, stepmother, cousin, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, mother-in-law, fatherin-law, son-inlaw and daughter-in-law.
Administrator shall mean a member of the management team, which includes central office administrators, principals, house principals, supervisors, the Directors of Buildings and Grounds, Food Service, Transportation and Athletics.
Director shall mean any person who is elected or appointed as a Director of the Lewisburg Area School District.
Professional employee shall mean those who are certificated as teachers, school counselors, school psychologists, school librarians, and school nurses.
Nonprofessional staff shall mean all those positions identified in the Support Staff Handbook and/or similar positions.
Persons related to District employees or a Director may be recommended for employment in positions which do not constitute a violation of this policy. However, when the administration is aware that a recommended candidate is a relative of a District employee or a Director, the Board shall be informed of the relationship prior to the time the recommendation appears on the agenda of a Board meeting.
Nothing in this policy shall affect the employment status of any person presently employed by the Board. However, in the event that, following their initial employment, assignment or reassignment to a position within the District, persons become members of the same immediate family or become related to an administrator of the District by marriage as described above, the District shall endeavor to effectuate a reassignment of supervisory responsibility and/or reevaluate positions which will ensure compliance with this policy. If no such accommodation is deemed feasible, then all significant employment decisions relating to persons in such a relationship shall be subject to review by the next level of supervision until such time as one of the employees is reassigned, terminates employment with the District or the relationship is terminated.
Exceptions to this policy may be approved at the sole discretion of the Board.