Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Suspensions and Furloughs

The Board shall hire and maintain the necessary qualified professional employees as required by law and as needed to implement the District's educational programs and to administrate and to operate the District.
The Board directs the Superintendent to continu ally review the effectiveness of the organization of the District's professional staff and annually recommend to the Board the number of professional staff positions needed to operate the District.
Based upon the Superintendent's recommendation and other factors such as declining enrollments or changes in educational programs or organizational structure of the District, the Board shall determine the number of professional staff positions to be filled. At times, there may be a need to abolish professional staff positions thus suspending and furloughing professional employees. The Board shall ascertain that the elimination of any program is approved by the Department of Education.
Suspensions or furloughs of professional employ ees shall be according to law and the following:1. The Superintendent shall maintain a seniority roster of professional employees by time within the District and by qualifications and certification for each professional staff position. This roster shall be updated annually.
2. A process of voluntary attrition will be followed as far as possible.
3. If the process of voluntary attrition does not yield the necessary reduction in professional employees, these employees shall be suspended consistent with law in inverse order of seniority within the District and by qualification and certification for the effected position(s).
4. The professional staff shall be realigned to ensure that more senior professional employees are provided opportunities to fill positions for which they are qualified and certificated and which are being filled by less senior professional employees. However, such realignment shall not be construed to require curriculum changes, department revisions, or school building realignments.
5. Tenured and professional employees within the meaning of the School Code are entitled to a local agency law hearing at the employee's request prior to suspension and furlough.
6. The Superintendent shall maintain a list of suspended and furloughed professional employees. Reinstatement of suspended or furloughed professional employees shall be from this list and on the basis of seniority within the District.
7. To be considered for reinstatement, a suspended or furloughed professional employee shall annually report to the Board, in writing, his/her current address and intent to accept the same or similar professional position when offered.
8. Refusal to accept reinstatement within ten (10) days in a permanent full-time position for which the professional employee is qualified and certificated shall be cause for removal from the list of suspended and furloughed professional employees, except if the recalled professional employee is in college. Any such employee shall be allowed to complete the current semester's work.