Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Evaluation of Professional and Temporary Professional Employees

The Board believes that the evaluation of professional and temporary professional employees should promote professional growth, improve instruction and student achievement, and ensure attainment of individual and district goals. Furthermore, evaluation of professional and temporary professional employees shall communicate expectations, positive reinforcement, and constructive criticism and be completed in an objective and straightforward fashion.

The Board directs that there shall be a plan for the regular evaluation of each professional and temporary professional employee. This plan shall be consistent with the evaluation plan for professional employees wherever possible. However, these evaluations, in all aspects, are the exclusive prerogative of the Board and the administration. The results of such evaluations can be used for all lawful purposes.

All formal observations of professional and temporary professional employees for evaluation purposes will be followed within one week by a personal conference between the evaluator and the professional and temporary professional employee being evaluated.

Within one day after the conference referred to in the immediately preceding paragraph, the professional and temporary professional employee who has been evaluated shall be sent a copy of the written evaluation.

All monitoring or observation of work performance of a professional or temporary professional employee for evaluation purposes shall be conducted with the full knowledge of the employee. It is not the intention to use audio and/or video recordings of the professional and temporary professional employee as the sole means of conducting observation and/or evaluation.

To the degree administrative schedules permit, observation of a professional and temporary professional employee, for the purpose of evaluation, shall not be made on the day that the professional and temporary professional employee returns from an absence due to personal illness or death in the family.

A professional and temporary professional employee may review the contents of his or her personnel file at any time during regular school hours. He or she shall be given the opportunity to make copies of any document contained in such file. In examining his or her file, a professional and temporary professional employee shall be entitled to be accompanied by an Association representative. Each professional and temporary professional employee shall be promptly notified in writing of the placing of any document in his or her personnel file. All personnel files shall be kept in the central office of the District. College credentials and letters of reference from persons other than employees of the District or members of the Lewisburg Area School Board shall be kept in a separate file and shall not be made available to the professional and temporary professional employees or an Association representative without the consent of the Superintendent.

Administrators responsible for supervising professional and temporary professional employees shall make every effort to assist such employees in the improvement of deficiencies disclosed by an observation and an evaluation. Administrators may conduct additional observations and evaluations of professional and temporary professional employees who are marginally competent in the deficiency area(s).

As required by law, the Superintendent shall certify as to the evaluations of all temporary professional employees during the last four (4) months of the initial three (3) years of employment.

The teacher evaluation system shall comply with all state regulations as described in school code.