Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Employee Counseling Services
The Board may provide temporary personal counseling to a professional employee who is displaying diminished job performance due to a personal or professional emotional crisis.
Temporary personal counseling shall be viewed as part of the administration’s remedial efforts to improve the employee’s job performance. The Board delegates discretionary authority to the Superintendent to offer temporary personal counseling to an employee if a personal or professional emotional crisis is causing any of the following circumstances in the workplace:
1. The employee inappropriately instructs students.
2. The employee inappropriately performs or fails to perform assigned duties.
3. The employee verbally or physically abuses students, parents, or other employees.
4. The employee is insubordinate to administrators or supervisors.
5. The employee is frequently absent or tardy.
6. The employee frequently leaves or indicates the necessity to leave work during the workday.
7. The employee violates law, school board policy, or administrative directives.
8. The employee violates confidentiality regarding students, parents, or employees.
9. The employee behaves in a profane manner.
10. The employee harasses or threatens students, parents, or employees.
11. The employee damages or destroys school district property.

12. The employee makes known to the Superintendent a problem which the employee feels may impact job performance.
The Board shall provide payment coordinated with the employee’s insurance plan, for up to five (5) consecutive visits per crisis to a board certified psychologist or psychiatrist approved by the Superintendent. The employee shall be personally responsible for any additional cost.
Once temporary personal counseling services are completed, the Superintendent shall request a letter from the psychologist or psychiatrist attesting to the employee’s fitness to continue working. The information shall be used by the Superintendent to make decisions regarding the employee’s continued employment or deployment in the school district. The letter shall be kept at the school district offices as part of the employee’s permanent confidential personnel records.