Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Sabbatical Leave

This policy shall establish the district’s parameters for granting and verifying proper use of sabbatical leaves for professional development and restoration of health for eligible employees.

Professional development leave - shall be defined as a paid leave of absence granted for the purpose of improving professional competency or obtaining a professional certificate or commission. Such leave shall be directly related to an employee's professional responsibilities, as determined by the Board, and be restricted to activities required by state regulation or law, or completed to improve professional competency.

Restoration of health leave - shall be defined as a physician-prescribed, medically necessary paid leave of absence granted for the purpose of improving a validated health concern of the employee.

School term - shall be defined as the period of time elapsing between the opening of the Lewisburg Area schools in the fall of one calendar year and the closing of the schools in the spring of the following calendar year.

The Board shall grant sabbatical leaves to professional employees for the purposes of professional development or restoration of health.

The Board reserves the right to specify the conditions under which sabbatical leave may be taken in accordance with the law.

At no time shall the Board grant sabbatical leave to more than ten percent (10%) of the number of persons regularly employed in the school district eligible for sabbatical leave for any one (1) school year.

Sabbatical Leave Options

Professional Development Leave Restoration of Health Leave

Full Year at Half Pay Full Year at Half Pay
Half Year at Half Pay Half Year at Half Pay


To be eligible for sabbatical leave, a professional employee shall attest to meeting all of the following requirements:

1. Shall have completed ten (10) years of satisfactory service in the public schools of the Commonwealth of PA as a professional employee. Purchase of retirement service from another state does not count as years of service in PA for sabbatical purposes.

2. Shall have completed five (5) years of consecutive service in the Lewisburg Area School District.

3. Shall not have taken a sabbatical leave within the last seven (7) years. The time during the sabbatical does not count toward the seven (7) years.

4. Shall have a satisfactory rating during the last year of service prior to the approval of the sabbatical leave. (May be waived for restoration of health sabbaticals at the discretion of the Superintendent or designee.)

5. Shall return to employment in the district for a period of not less than one (1) full school term immediately following the completion of the sabbatical.


The applicant will submit two (2) copies of the completed appropriate Sabbatical Leave Application, one (1) to the building principal and one (1) to the Superintendent or designee.

1. Professional Development Sabbatical Leave - Applications are due no later than February 1st* of the school year prior to the requested sabbatical.

2. Restoration of Health - Applications may be submitted after the deadline as circumstances arise. However, such applications can only be considered if the number of sabbaticals granted has not exceeded the allowable limit.

The Superintendent or designee will review the applications based on the selection criteria outlined in this policy and present a recommendation to the Board by the end of February.

The selection criteria shall consist of length of service to the district since last sabbatical, value of leave to the district as a whole, soundness of leave proposal, reasonable availability of a properly qualified substitute, along with any extenuating circumstances.

Each applicant will receive a written form indicating if s/he has been approved or denied. If denied, the reason for the denial will be indicated.

Professional Development Leave

Professional development leaves shall be granted only to employees participating in an academic program for the purpose of retaining a professional certificate or commission, or further preparation and improvement in an area(s) of certification, or additional certification, or attaining other appropriate and identifiable educational positions within the school district, or as the Board may require, and upon the recommendation of the Superintendent or designee.

The minimum requirements for leave for a half school term shall consist of any one or combination of the following:

1. Nine (9) graduate credits.

2. Twelve (12) undergraduate credits.

3. One hundred eighty (180) hours of professional development activities.

The minimum requirements for leave for a full school term shall consist of any one or combination of the following:

1. Eighteen (18) graduate credits.

2. Twenty-four (24) undergraduate credits.

3. Three hundred and sixty (360) hours of professional development activities.

Courses must be completed during the sabbatical period and may not include the summer semester, unless prior approval is obtained from the Superintendent or designee. Coursework must result in a passing grade of a “B” or better, otherwise the objectives of the sabbatical will not be considered to be attained and will result in the forfeiture of salary and benefits provided by the district during the sabbatical.

Applicants who propose to undertake professional development activities shall submit to the Superintendent or designee a written proposal in addition to the application that includes the following information:

1. The specific courses or activities to meet the legal requirements for credits or hours.

2. The specific objectives of the professional development and how they align with each of the following documents, if applicable: the LASD Strategic Plan, Technology plan, Middle States Goals (if applicable), Pennsylvania state curriculum regulations, school district goals, and professional development plans, for example Act 48.

3. A detailed plan to share knowledge and information gained during the sabbatical with his/her colleagues (grade-level team), or building faculty.

Upon return from professional development leave, it shall be the employee’s responsibility to:

1. Submit to the Superintendent or designee within thirty (30) days upon return to employment, but prior to the meeting with the Superintendent or designee, a formal written report describing the educational activities pursued, the accomplishments of the objectives set forth in the approved application and their benefits and relevancy.

2. Provide a copy of the relevant transcript detailing the coursework completed as part of the written report where applicable.

3. Initiate a meeting with the Superintendent or designee within thirty (30) days upon return to employment to discuss the sabbatical.

4. Implement plan to share knowledge and information gained during the sabbatical with colleagues when applicable.

If the program of study indicated on the application for sabbatical must be modified, it shall be the responsibility of the employee to notify the Superintendent or designee immediately in writing.

Failure to submit required reports on time may result in forfeiture of monies paid by the district.

Restoration Of Health Leave

Sabbatical leave for restoration of health shall only be granted to eligible employees that have provided a documented physician’s order requiring the leave. District personnel and Board members shall be required to maintain the confidentiality of personal medical information disclosed by the employee in compliance with laws, regulations and district policy.

Applicants who propose to take a restoration of health sabbatical shall submit to the Superintendent in addition to the application, the following:

1. Properly completed Certification of Health Provider Form (provided with the Restoration of Health Sabbatical Leave Application).

The Board reserves the right to require at its own expense additional examinations and reports by physicians of its choice to determine the validity of the leave request.

The Board may require further documentation as to the status of the employee’s medical condition at any time during the medical sabbatical leave.

At both the approximate midpoint of the leave and at least thirty (30) days prior to the conclusion of the leave, a physician's statement shall be submitted to the Superintendent or designee, indicating the extent to which the purpose of the leave has been achieved and evaluating the health status of the employee relative to his/her ability to return to employment.

Commitment Of Employer

Time on sabbatical shall be counted as seniority in the district and for retirement fund purposes, but for no other purposes.

A sabbatical leave shall also operate as a leave of absence without pay from all other school activities.

Commitment Of The Employee

All employees applying for a sabbatical leave shall execute a statement in writing at the time of their application that they have fully reviewed the conditions of this policy and that they understand and agree to comply with each of the provisions.

Employees who are granted sabbatical leave shall not be engaged in gainful employment during the period of the leave. The Superintendent or designee may recommend an exception to this provision under extenuating circumstances that upon review by the Superintendent or designee are determined not to infringe upon the objectives of the sabbatical. The employee must request such an exception at the time of application.

Failure to observe and comply fully with all sections of this policy may result in the cancellation of such leave and a forfeiture of salary and benefits received during such leave. In such cases, the employee shall forfeit all benefits to which the employee would have been entitled to for the balance of the sabbatical leave and/or shall reimburse the district for all salary and benefits received by the employee during the sabbatical leave.


School Code – 24 P.S. Sec. 1166, 1167, 1168, 1169, 1170, 1171