Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Leaves of Absence
The Board recognizes that there will be occasions when professional staff members may need to be excused from professional responsibilities under circumstances not defined in the Pennsylvania School Code or in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Leave of up to five (5) school days
An employee may be excused from professional responsibilities provided the following conditions are fulfilled:
1. Prorated salary deduction shall be made for each day absent.
2. Approval of the building principal and the Superintendent.
3. The Board shall be informed when such leaves are granted or denied.
Leave in excess of five (5) school days
The Board reserves the right to exercise its sole discretion approving or disapproving the leave on a case-by-case basis without an intention of establishing precedent. The Board will be guided by the following factors when considering such a request:
1. The recommendation of the Superintendent to grant the leave.
2. The intended use of the leave.
3. The timeliness of the request for leave.
4. The past performance of the employee.
5. The employees’ years of service to the profession and the District.
6. The significance of the employee to the District operations.
7. The feasibility of securing an adequate substitute for the duration of the leave.
8. The merits of granting job-retention rights to the employee while on leave viewed in light of the enrollment trends and the projected staffing needs.
9. All other pertinent factors presented.
The Board shall be free to establish, on an individual basis, the terms and conditions of the leave and subsequent return to active employment. Unless agreed to by the Board in advance, all wages, salaries, benefits and credit for service will cease with the beginning of the leave of absence.