Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Responsibility of Staff for Student Welfare
The Board establishes the following standards which it believes will contribute to a safe student environment and promote student welfare.
The Board directs the Superintendent, or designee, to develop any additional standards and guidelines which may be necessary to achieve these standards and to recommend timely improvements of this policy to the Board. The Board further directs the Superintendent, or designee, to annually review this policy with the professional staff members and to include the standards and guidelines in appropriate handbooks.Each teacher must maintain a standard of care and concern for supervision, control and protection of students commensurate with assigned duties and responsibilities. A teacher should only assume responsibility for duties s/he can reasonable perform, unless assigned by a supervisor.A teacher must provide proper instruction in the safety matters presented in assigned curriculum guides.Each employee has the responsibility to report immediately to the principal an accident or safety hazard s/he detects.A teacher shall not send students on any errands of a personal nature.A pupil shall not be required to perform work or services that may be detrimental to his/her health or safety.
Teachers and other professional employees are responsible for the safety of pupils in their charge within the building and on school property. If a teacher cannot be in the classroom or at any other assigned station at all times, s/he must make sure that another staff member is temporarily in charge or the office has been notified. The following guidelines are provided to minimize the occurrence of situations in which staff members may incur liability for their acts in relation to students:1. Accompany the class wherever it is assigned and remain with it until supervision is assumed by another responsible person;
2. Only permit pupils to use equipment in the classroom, which has been approved for school use. (Some teachers or pupils bring personal equipment, which may be dangerous.);3. Only permit use of machinery or equipment for the instructional purpose for which it was provided;4. Teachers must ensure qualified supervision for students working in a shop, kitchen, laboratory, gymnasium or in any other area with special safety concerns in accordance with the prescribed safety procedures;5. Promptly report unsafe equipment or conditions to the immediate supervisor;6. Permit pupils enrolled in technology or science laboratory classes to use power tools or other dangerous equipment or materials only if directly attended;7. Require equipment to be operated or materials handled in an safe manner;8. Pupils whose identified and known physical or mental condition makes them especially prone to accident or injury should not be permitted to use dangerous equipment or to handle hazardous materials;9. Organize classroom materials and equipment so as to minimize danger of injury to pupils and to self;10. Ensure that proper safety gear is used wherever safety equipment is specified;11. In general, exercise good judgement when assigning tasks to students to prevent bodily harm and damage to property.