Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Adoption of Textbooks

The Board shall, by an affirmative vote of a majority of the full Board, adopt all textbooks used for instruction in the district’s educational program. The Board shall establish a planned cycle of textbook review and replacement.

Textbooks shall be defined as the books used as the basic source of information in the planned instruction. This may include electronic media, workbooks, and trade books.

The Superintendent shall be responsible for the selection and recommendation of textbooks for Board consideration. No adoption or change of textbooks shall be made without the Superintendent's recommendation, except by a two-thirds vote of the Board.

The Superintendent or designee shall establish administrative regulations for reviewing, evaluating and selecting textbooks.

A list of all approved textbooks used in district schools shall be maintained by the Superintendent or designee and shall be available to Board members, district staff, students, parents/guardians and community members.

The Superintendent shall develop a plan for the selection of textbooks according to the following guidelines:

1. Professional staff members shall participate in the selection process;

2. Textbooks used in the current curriculum shall be listed in a database and made available as appropriate;

3. Textbooks currently in use shall be periodically evaluated for their continuing usefulness and relevance.

In selecting and recommending any proposed textbook, the following factors shall be considered:

• Suitability for the maturity level and educational accomplishment of the students who will be using the textbook
• Accuracy of information
• Freedom from bias
• Relationship to the curriculum
• Relationship to a continuous multi-grade program
• Cost
• Basis in Research (endorsements of national and professional organizations)


School Code – 24 P.S. Sec. 508, 801, 803, 807.1

Board Policy – 000, 006, 105.1, 610