Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Responsibility of Administrators for Student Welfare
The Board establishes the following standards which, it believes, will contribute to a safe student environment and promote student welfare. The Board directs the Superintendent, or designee, to develop any additional standards and guidelines which may be necessary to achieve these standards and recommend timely improvements to the Board.
Each building administrator must operate his or her building in a manner that maintains a high standard of care and concern for the supervision and protection of students. Each administrator must provide appropriate rules and regulations for employees, students, volunteers, parents, and visitors that will insure the health and safety of students. Rules and regulations will pertain to all school-sponsored or school-related events that take place on or off school property, either at or away from the school district, and during travel to and from such events. School property will also include any means of transportation used in the transporting of students.
Only an approved adult who is usually an employee, but who always has Act 34 and 151 clearances, shall supervise students.
Student shall annually receive a student handbook that provides student health, safety, and welfare guidelines. An acknowledgement shall be returned to the school signed by the student and the student's parent or guardian indicating receipt of the handbook.
Employees shall annually receive updated copies of student handbooks and appropriate employee handbooks that provide student health, safety, and welfare guidelines.Employees shall have access to a school Board policy manual.
Student athletes shall annually receive a student athletic handbook that provides student health, safety, and welfare guidelines. An acknowledgement shall be returned to the coach signed by the student and the student's parent or guardian indicating receipt of the handbook. The athletic director will maintain an annual record of these acknowledgements.
Coaches shall annually receive an athletic handbook that provides student health, safety, and welfare guidelines.
Volunteers, chaperones, and school-organization supporters shall annually receive direction from the school administrators on how they should comply with the school's or the school district's student health, safety, and welfare guidelines.