Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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National, Religious, Cultural, & Ethnic Holidays

The Board recognizes the need to acknowledge calendar events, including national, religious, cultural, and ethnic holidays. This we do as a part of the general education of all students in order to foster respect, appreciation and knowledge of the diverse cultural heritage of America.
Statement of Position and Philosophy
The Board accepts the decision of the United States Supreme Court, which in essence states that public schools must remain neutral in the exercise of religion. This policy of neutrality requires the prohibition of officially conducted or promoted reading of religious literature or recitation of prayers when these activities are conducted as devotional exercises in the regular course of the school day. Personal private prayer or religious study is protected as a proper exercise of the first amendment.
The Board encourages the development of non-ritualistic programs and activities to recognize holidays and give proper respect and acknowledgment to the patriotic and religious significance of the day or season.
Holidays may be acknowledged and may be taught for their artistic, historical, social, or educational value.
The Board endorses objective educational discussion of customs and traditions of various faiths and countries as applicable in the various subject areas.
The Board recognizes that the schools are a reflection of the community. The Board will not knowingly penalize, directly or indirectly, any student for absence from school on approved days of expectation or obligation as it pertains to his/her religious conviction.

The Board adopts this policy to establish that students may be taught about religions, but schools may not promote a religious tradition or create situations in which students are required to observe religious practice. When recognized appropriately, religious holidays can be used to enrich the curriculum.
Scheduling Guidelines
1. Any individual may present information in writing on holidays to be considered by the Superintendent. Holidays must be presented within one week after the first reading of the district calendar before the School Board (usually in February) in order to be considered for inclusion for the following school year.
2. It shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent to distribute to the administration information regarding the dates of approved major holidays by listing them on the official calendar. Once a holiday is recognized, it will be included on subsequent calendars.
3. The Board directs the staff and administration to make an effort to take into account and make a reasonable attempt to avoid ethnic and religious holidays listed on the official calendar when scheduling school programs and activities.
4. This policy is not applicable to athletic events governed by PIAA rules and regulations.
Guidelines for Art
Anything of a religious nature may be considered for its artisic, historical, social, and educational value. This would be presented for the purpose of promoting awareness of the beauty around us, appreciation of our culture and social heritage, and the respect for the worth of the individual.
Guidelines for Music
1. If a program of music education for young people is to be stimulating, meaningful, and successful, it must include a broad variety of music of significant quality. The teacher should balance sacred and secular music in the classroom and in programs for public concerts. The selection of music must be based on its musical merit and on its ability to develop musical understanding, growth, and appreciation in young people.
2. School sponsored assembly programs and public performances by students may include religious music. Organizations of the school district may be asked to perform in religious services in the community and each student has the right to participate or not, as s/he chooses.
3. Any request from a student for permission to be excused from singing, playing, or listening to music of a religious nature will be honored without penalty to the student or embarrassment.
Guidelines for Academic Subject Areas
Ethnic or religious groups and historical events may be studied as they relate to the educational and historical background of the subject.