Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Bylaws and Policies

Section 1. Formulation and Adoption

The board shall formulate and adopt written bylaws to provide consistency and direction in board governance and decision-making. Likewise, the board shall formulate and adopt written policies to provide guidance for the administration and management of the district and for employee and student conduct and deportment.

Any Director may make a motion to amend an existing bylaw or policy and/or to propose a new bylaw or policy at any regular board meeting.

Any proposed new bylaw or policy or changes to an existing bylaw or policy shall be in writing and be distributed to all Directors. An affirmative roll call vote of six (6) Directors on both a first and second reading shall be required to adopt or amend a bylaw. An affirmative roll call vote of five (5) Directors on both a first and second reading shall be required to adopt or amend a policy. A twenty (20) day time period for the public to review and comment upon the proposed new bylaw or policy or changes to an existing bylaw or policy shall occur between the first and second readings. The public shall be able to review and comment upon the proposed new bylaw or policy or changes to an existing bylaw or policy at the district’s central administrative offices.

Section 2. Implementation

The board is responsible to adhere to and abide by its bylaws. The board delegates responsibility to and holds accountable the Superintendent for implementing and administering its policies.

Section 3. Distribution

The Superintendent shall be responsible to prepare and distribute the board-adopted bylaws and policies to the district staff and other individuals affected by them.

Section 4. Policy Manual

All board-adopted bylaws and policies shall be kept in a Policy Manual. This manual shall be a public record and shall be open for public inspection and copying during regular school hours at the district's central administrative offices according to procedures outlined in Policy #801 (Public Records). A record shall be maintained by the board Secretary or designee as to the placement of each copy of the policy manual. The policies shall be available on the district website for access by parents, students, and community members.

Section 5. Review

The Policy Committee shall review and revise policies to maintain compliance with laws and regulations, and to ensure the operations of the district reflect a consistent, child-centered directive and philosophy.

Suggestions for changes to bylaws and policies can also originate from a student's parent or students' parents group, a resident or a civic group, a district employee or employee organization, a student or student organization, a district administrator, a consultant or school boards organization, the State Board of Education, or the board solicitor. Changes that are suggested by parents, a district resident, or civic group shall be submitted in writing to the board through the Superintendent, along with his/her recommendations regarding the proposal.

The Policy Committee will make recommendations to the Board by proposing policies it has formulated, reviewed, and/or revised.

The Superintendent and board solicitor shall review any proposed new bylaw or policy or changes to an existing bylaw or policy and shall comment upon the proposal's impact upon district operations and concordance with law and State Board of Education regulations.