Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Student Travel

The Board recognizes that field trips and extended trips, when used as a means of teaching and learning integral to the curriculum, are an educationally sound and important component of the instructional program.

Field Trips - A school sponsored educational outing with a duration of no longer than one (1) day. Student eligibility requirements may vary depending on the purpose of the trip. However, students on disciplinary restrictions may be excluded from these trips as from regular classroom activities at the discretion of the principal.

Extended Trip - A school sponsored educational outing with a duration of longer than one (1) day that requires overnight accommodations. Students must be in good standing both academically and in citizenship to participate in an extended trip.

The subject and purpose of any trip shall be directly related to the subject area being taught or to the activity in which those taking the trip are participating.

Advanced Board approval is required for all field trips.


Transportation For Field Trips

For most trips, school buses will be used as the mode of transportation and will be provided by the district. In the event that only small numbers of students participate in a trip, a teacher may drive a district vehicle or his/her own automobile. The district shall provide excess insurance coverage for the trip. If a commercial carrier is used, the carrier shall be properly and adequately insured.

Administrative Staff Responsibilities For Field Trips

1. Review trip request form submitted by professional staff member(s) sponsoring the trip. Review all plans and financing for all trips.

2. Forward approved trip request to appropriate parties.

3. Ensure that sponsoring staff are aware of applicable district policies and procedures.

4. In the event a significant delay occurs in the expected return time of students, shall make arrangements for parents to be notified.

Sponsoring Professional Staff Responsibilities For Field Trips

1. Arrange trip with representatives of the trip destination(s).

2. Complete a trip request form and submit it to the building administrator with the following information at least four (4) weeks in advance of the trip:

a. Itinerary.

b. Financing.

c. Emergency contact information.

d. List of staff members and chaperones.

e. Disclosure of any potential compensations, rewards, incentives, gifts, etc. associated with the trip along with the planned distribution of such (i.e., if any free trips are granted, how will recipients be determined?).

f. Travel agency used, if applicable.

3. Distribute and collect a student permission form for each child attending that is signed by the student’s parent or guardian. The form shall include the student’s telephone number along with a telephone number where the parent(s) can be reached on the day of the trip in the event of an emergency.

4. Review Information for Medical Emergencies (IME) form for each participating student. Take along on the trip a copy of each participating student’s IME form, being careful to maintain confidentiality in accordance with HIPAA regulations.

5. Prepare a roster of participating students by bus and give a copy to the building office prior to leaving the premises. A copy of the permission forms shall be attached to the roster and maintained in the building office. The sponsoring staff member will take along on the trip a copy of each participating student’s permission form and two (2) copies of the bus roster. The sponsoring staff member shall keep one copy and the bus driver shall be given the other copy.

6. Arrange for chaperones. Usually one (1) chaperone shall be designated for every ten (10) students participating.

7. Provide each participating student with guidelines for expected student behavior, general health, and safety.

8. In the event of a delay in the expected return time of the students, the sponsoring staff member shall call the school and indicate the reason(s) for the delay and the anticipated time of arrival.

9. Review applicable district policies, including policy 810.1 (Accidents), policy 210.1 (Medical Emergencies), policy 227 (Drugs and Alcohol), policy 218 (Student Discipline), and policy 235 (Student Rights and Responsibilities).

Director Of Administrative Services Responsibilities For Field Trips

1. Arrange for transportation for the field trip as requested on the principal approved trip request form.

2. Ensure that all trips are properly budgeted and insured.

3. Submit all trips requests to the Board for approval in advance of planned trip.

4. Return approved forms to appropriate parties.

Student Responsibilities For Field Trips

1. Delivery of the information regarding field trip to parent or guardian and returning permission slip and any other forms back to the sponsoring staff member.

2. Conducting himself/herself appropriately and representing the school district according to all appropriate and applicable rules, regulations, and policies.

3. Completing any schoolwork missed due to participation in the field trip.


Extended Trips (Including Foreign Travel)

The sponsoring staff member shall not discuss any aspect of a proposed trip with students or parents/guardians until the building principal and sponsoring staff member confer on the feasibility and appropriateness of the trip. The sponsoring staff member shall then submit an application and funding plan to the building administrator for approval. Extended trips must have approval of the Superintendent and the building principal. The Superintendent shall inform the Board of all approved extended trips.

Every effort shall be made to minimize any loss of instructional time. When possible, extended trips shall be taken when school is not in session (i.e., during school vacations or summer vacations). Requests for trips during the first or last week of each semester will as a rule be denied. Exceptions may be granted by the building principal for special circumstances.

Participation in school sponsored extended trips is limited to students enrolled in the Lewisburg Area School District. All eligible students in the related curriculum or extracurricular activity shall have the opportunity to participate. Foreign language trip participants must have a minimum of two (2) years of the language.

The Superintendent shall monitor the risk factor of travel to the destination area and reserve the right to cancel any travel (at any time) upon determination of excessive risk. United States State Department advisories shall be major determining factors along with other reliable sources.


A minimum of two (2) district staff members shall be required to accompany students. One (1) adult chaperone for every ten (10) students shall be provided. Each of the chaperones shall have Act 34 and Act 151 clearances. Chaperones are responsible for the health and welfare of students while participating in an extended trip and must be prepared to take action in the event of an emergency. Therefore, alcohol consumption by chaperones or any participant at any time during a trip is prohibited.

Administrative Responsibilities For Extended Trips

1. Confer with the sponsoring staff member as to the feasibility and appropriateness of the trip and then review the extended trip application and funding plan submitted by the sponsoring staff member at least three (3) months prior to the trip (at least twelve (12) months for foreign travel).

2. Forward approved extended trip application form to appropriate parties.

3. Ensure that sponsoring staff are aware of applicable district policies and procedures.

Sponsoring Professional Staff Responsibilities For Extended Trips

1. Arrange trip with representatives of the trip destination or through a reputable travel agency. In choosing a travel agency, identify the agency bearing legal responsibility for the trip and determine its solvency including bond coverage and bond holder. Determine the longevity of the agency and the amount of direct supervision they offer. Ascertain whether the agency has an official base in the United States that would be legally responsible in the event complications occur that would require legal action.

2. Prepare an extended trip application and funding plan and submit to principal at least three (3) months prior to the trip (at least twelve (12) months in advance for foreign travel). The following information shall be included in the application/plan:

a. Itinerary.

b. Financing.

c. Emergency contact information.

d. List of staff members and chaperones.

e. Disclosure of any potential compensations, rewards, incentives, gifts, etc. associated with the trip along with the planned distribution of such (i.e., if any free trips are granted, how will recipients be determined?).

f. Travel agency used, if applicable.

3. Arrange for chaperones following policy requirements.

4. Ensure that all school rules, district policies, and district procedures are followed at all times during the trip.

5. Provide students and parents/guardians with the following information:

a. A detailed itinerary, a calendar, and a time schedule for the trip.

b. The credentials of the travel agency and tour director.

c. The teacher(s) and other chaperone(s) who will accompany the group.

d. The anticipated expense of the trip, including approximate costs for all individual expenditures such as meals, taxi fares, and other incidental expenses directly related to the trip.

e. Passport and immunization requirements.

f. Disclosure of any compensation, rewards, incentives, gifts, etc. associated with the trip.

g. The availability of medical and dental care during the trip.

h. Safety and emergency plans.

i. District policies 227 (Drug & Alcohol), 218 (Student Discipline), and 235 (Student Rights and Responsibilities), along with plans for returning home any student who violates school policy and subsequent action the student can expect.

j. Permission forms and health forms to be signed by parent/guardian.

k. Availability of trip insurance.

l. Affidavit that the parent/guardian and student will sign indicating that all of the above information was received and read, along with an agreement to comply with all of the rules, procedures, and policies outlined.

Nonschool Sponsored Trips

The Board discourages non-school sponsored trips organized by staff members that involves district students and will only consider promoting trips for high school age students. The Superintendent’s approval is required before any non-school related information can be posted on the district’s website bulletin board or building public bulletin board (policy 913). No information will be distributed directly to the students in the school or through district electronic communication to students or parents. The Superintendent shall ensure that any information disseminated in any form regarding a trip organized by a staff member involving a student(s) from the district clearly indicates that the trip is not school sponsored. Student information systems or directories shall not be used to gather student contact information to promote non-school sponsored trips. School facilities shall not be used as a meeting site, pick up site, or return site for any non-school sponsored trip will be held off school grounds to ensure there is no link between the trip and the school district.

Administration Of Medication

The Board directs planning for field trips to start early in the school year and to include collaboration between administrators, teachers, nurses, parents/guardians and other designated health officials.

Decisions regarding administration of medication during field trips and other school-sponsored programs and activities shall be based on the student’s individual needs.

Medication shall be administered in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, Board policies and district procedures.


School Code – 24 P.S. Sec. 510, 517

State Board of Education Regulations – 22 PA Code Sec. 4.4

Board Policy – 000, 113, 210, 210.1