Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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School-Sponsored Student Organizations
1. Purpose Pol. 122 The Board recognizes the opportunities school-sponsored student organizations afford the young people in our district. School-sponsored clubs/organizations are those, which are approved by the building principal and which use school district personnel, resources, facilities, and/or time for the carrying out or promotion of their various activities.6. The principal must provide guidelines that discourage clubs/organizations from participating in acts of civil disobedience or the disruption of the operation of the school.
2. Guidelines The Board supports the concept of school-sponsored clubs/organizations and directs each building principal to permit the organization of such clubs/organizations under the following conditions.
1. All clubs/organizations must have at least one present member of the professional staff as its advisor.
2. The principal must annually approve all clubs/organizations and, prior to approval, must receive from each club/organization a statement of purpose and a list of tentative activities, including fundraisers.
3. The sponsor, at the discretion of the principal, must approve changes and/or additions to the approved activities.
4. The principal must provide guidelines that remind each club/organization about the importance and necessity of complying with school district policies and administrative guidelines, building rules and regulations, and the law.
5. The principal must provide guidelines that deter clubs/organizations from advocating or engaging in activities or practices that may jeopardize the mental, physical, or emotional well being of club members or others.
Pol. 618 6. The principal will ensure that all clubs/organizations will manage their finances in accordance with Policy #618 (Student Activities Fund) and the administrative guidelines.
The Board retains the authority to maintain order and discipline on school premises to protect the well being of students and employees and to ensure that the attendance of students at such meetings is on a voluntary basis. This policy must be made available for any students or professional employees who wish to organize a school sponsored club/organization.