Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Student Wellness


1. Purpose Lewisburg Area School Board recognizes that student wellness and proper nutrition are related to a student’s physical well-being, growth and development, and the student’s ability to learn. The Board is committed to providing a school environment that promotes student wellness, proper nutrition, nutrition education, and regular physical activity as part of the total learning experience. In a healthy school environment, students will learn about and participate in positive dietary and lifestyle practices that can improve student achievement.

2. Authority

P.L. 108-265
Sec. 204

To ensure the health and well-being of all students, the Board establishes that the district shall provide to students:

1. A comprehensive nutrition program consistent with federal and state requirements.

2. Access at reasonable cost to foods and beverages that meet established nutritional guidelines.

3. Physical education courses and opportunities for developmentally appropriate physical activity opportunities during the school year.

4. Curricula and programs for grades K-12 that are designed to educate students about proper nutrition and lifelong physical activity, in accordance with State Board of Education curriculum regulations and academic standards.

3. Definition

Competitive foods are defined as foods offered at school other than through the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Programs and include a la carte foods, snacks, beverages; vending food, and beverages; school store food, and beverages; fundraisers; classroom parties; and holiday celebrations.

4. Delegation of Responsibility

Pol. 808

The Superintendent or designee shall be responsible to monitor district schools, programs, and curriculum to ensure compliance with this policy, related policies and established guidelines or administrative regulations.

Each building principal or designee shall report to the Superintendent or designee regarding compliance in his/her school.

Staff members responsible for programs related to student wellness shall report annually to the Superintendent or designee regarding the status of such programs.

The Superintendent or designee shall report to the Board annually on the district’s compliance with law and policies related to student wellness. The report shall include:

1. A report from the District Wellness Council.
2. Listing of activities and programs conducted to promote nutrition and physical activity in compliance with this policy.

3. Recommendations for policy and/or program revisions.
4. Suggestions for improvement in specific areas.
5. Evaluation of food services program and its compliance with this policy and the associated standards.

P.L. 108-265
Sec. 204

6. An assurance from the Business Manager shall provide that the district guidelines for reimbursable meals are not less restrictive than regulations and guidelines issued for schools in accordance with federal law.

5. Guidelines

Nutrition Education

Students in each building shall receive nutrition education that will be provided within the sequential, comprehensive health education program in accordance with State Board of Education curriculum regulations and the academic standards for Health, Safety, and Physical Education, and Family and Consumer Sciences.

Nutrition education opportunities shall be integrated into appropriate physical education, health, Family and Consumer Science, and other appropriate curricular areas.

Nutrition education shall extend beyond the school environment by engaging and involving families and communities through the distribution of the LASD Healthy Foods Choice List and child nutrition literature.

Physical Activity

Age appropriate physical activity opportunities, such as regularly scheduled, daily recess (weather permitting); clubs; intramurals; and interscholastic athletics, shall be provided to meet the needs and interests of all students, in addition to planned physical education.

Each building shall offer students at least 1-2 opportunities per year for students to participate in physical activities within the school day in addition to physical education classes.

In each building where the children have an opportunity for recess, administrators will explore the feasibility of offering recess prior to eating lunch.

The school district shall seek community collaborations to provide additional physical activity opportunities.

Physical Education

A sequential physical education program shall be provided consistent with State Board of Education curriculum regulations and Health, Safety, and Physical Education academic standards.

Quality physical education instruction that promotes lifelong physical activity and provides instruction in the skills and knowledge necessary for lifelong participation shall be provided.

Students in all grades 1-12 shall receive a minimum of forty-five (45) hours of physical education instruction annually.

Other School-Based Activities

The district Wellness Council shall provide students and parents/guardians with nutrition, physical activity, and healthy lifestyle information through newsletters, programs, events, and activities at least three (3) times per year.

Pol. 209

Parents/Guardians will receive a health report card for each student detailing the student’s height, weight, BMI (Body Mass Index), along with information or suggestions for improving student health aligned with mandatory health examinations. Special care shall be taken to maintain privacy during and after the collection of this information.

Nutrition Guidelines

Foods available in district schools during the school day shall be offered to students with consideration for promoting student health and reducing childhood obesity, unless they are part of the planned instruction.

Foods provided through the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Programs shall comply with federal nutrition standards under the School Meals Initiative.

All competitive foods available to students in the district shall comply with the Nutritional Standards for Competitive Foods in Pennsylvania Schools.


Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 – P.L. 108-265 Sec. 204

Board Policy – 209, 808