Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Student Assistance Program

The Board is committed to assisting all students to achieve to their fullest potential. The Board supports the establishment of Student Assistance Programs in the district to work with students and parents/guardians to identify and alleviate barriers to student success.

Student Assistance Program (SAP) - a systematic process using effective and accountable professional techniques to mobilize school resources to remove the barriers to learning and, when the problem is beyond the scope of the school, to assist the parent/guardian and student with information, and referrals so they may access services within the community.

SAP Team - a group comprised of 5-9 people, usually including the principal, school nurse, and other school professionals, who have completed the appropriate state training program.

The Board shall provide a Student Assistance Program (SAP) that assists district employees in identifying issues and providing assistance to students experiencing difficulties in learning and academic achievement.

The Superintendent or designee shall develop, implement, and monitor a Student Assistance Program (SAP) that complies with state regulations.

Parent/Guardian Involvement In The SAP Process

Parental involvement in the SAP process is critical to program success. Each SAP Team will establish a process to identify barriers to student success, gather information regarding concerns in a timely manner, and communicate concerns directly to parents/guardians. Communication between school and parents/guardians is intended to encourage open dialog regarding the barriers to a student’s success and problem solving to address the concern. A parent/guardian may choose to

discontinue SAP services at any time and may decline referrals to outside treatment agencies. Parents/Guardians who have concerns regarding their child may contact the school’s SAP Team through their school’s guidance counselor or building administrator at any time.

The Student Assistance Program (SAP) shall provide assistance in:

1. Identifying issues that pose a barrier to a student’s learning and/or academic achievement.

2. Determining whether or not the identified problem lies within the responsibility of the school.

3. Informing the parent/guardian of a problem affecting the student’s learning and/or academic achievement.

4. Making recommendations to assist the student and the parent/guardian.

5. Providing information on community resources and options to deal with the problem.

6. Establishing links with resources to help resolve the problem.

7. Collaborating with the parent/guardian and agency when students are involved in treatment through a community agency.

8. Providing a plan for in-school support services for the student during and after treatment.

Statement Of Confidentiality Of SAP Process

During the course of its work, Student Assistance Program (SAP) Teams will receive sensitive and confidential material. The SAP Teams will abide by a strict code of confidentiality at all times.

Listed below are guidelines for confidentiality that shall be followed by all SAP Teams.

1. In working with referred students, the goal of SAP Team members is to encourage parental involvement.

2. Students will not be referred for drug and alcohol assessments/mental health evaluations or treatment without parental knowledge.

3. Wherever possible the identity of referral sources will be kept confidential.

4. Confidential communication made to SAP Team members shall not be revealed without student or parental consent unless the health, welfare, or safety of the student or another person is clearly in jeopardy.

5. The school will communicate with an outside treatment facility in regard to a student's progress and treatment only if an authorization (signed by both parent/guardian and student) has been obtained.

6. SAP records will be confidentially maintained, separate from student educational and discipline records.

7. Under no circumstances will names of referred students be disclosed to anyone outside of the SAP Team. An annual statistical report with numbers only will be submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

8. In cases where it is believed that a student is a danger to him/herself or to others, parents/guardians will be notified immediately.

9. In cases where child abuse is suspected, school policy regarding mandatory reporting of abuse will be followed.


School Code – 24 P.S. Sec. 1547

State Board of Education Regulations – 22 PA Code Sec. 12.16, 12.41, 12.42

PA Civil Immunity of School Officers/Employees Relating to Drug or Alcohol Abuse – 42 Pa. C.S.A. Sec. 8337

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act – 20 U.S.C. Sec. 1232g

Family Educational Rights and Privacy, Title 34, Code of Federal Regulations –
34 CFR Part 99