Lewisburg Area School District Policies
  Lewisburg Area School District Policies
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Abolishing a Position

The Board is responsible to provide the professional staff necessary for the implementation of the educational programs of the district and for the proper operation of the schools and to do so efficiently and economically.

The Board recognizes its responsibility to maintain professional staff positions consistent with the needs of the district.

In the exercise of its authority to reduce staff or abolish positions, the Board shall give primary consideration to the effect upon the educational program and shall ascertain that elimination of a program is approved by the Department of Education.

The abolishment of positions affecting professional employees can be brought about because of:

1. Decline in student enrollment;
2. Changes in the methods of organization for instruction; or
3. Consolidation of schools or programs.
As needed, the Superintendent shall recommend to the Board the professional positions needed for the district to function efficiently. The Superintendent should also be responsible for recommending the abolishment of unnecessary positions.

Reduction in staff as a result of the abolishment of positions shall be in accordance with law and the procedures set forth in Board Pol. 411.